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Today at dance class theowner brought her little grandson. He did not even know me and he came over and gave me a great big kiss on the cheek! What…
Rebecca's Blog
One more thing…about the talking scale I wrote about a couple days ago. When you are walking away- it lets out a big Wolf Whistle and shouts, "What a Fine…
Rebecca's Blog
Have you heard aboth those new scales that say your weight out loud? Hush your Mouth! If I invented one, it would be all sweet and nice, like… "Oh Honey,…
Rebecca's Blog
Today, I babysat sweet Bella, for my daughter Belin ( Belin is also the best assistant I could ever find) Today was Belin’s birthday so I stayed with little Bella…
Rebecca's Blog
OK, this is a pet peeve of mine. When I go out to eat, i don’t want tohave a wide scree TV blaring the news at me. I make it…
Rebecca's Blog