All Posts in Rebecca

This girl KNOWS she is a princess!

This girl KNOWS she is a princess! Bella my grand daughter- she won’t take her crown off if she can help it. Take a look at those high heels!

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One of my favorite days

I love today because tonight the clock s here in the US get turned back one hour. It has been almost pitch black when I take my kids to school….

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Economy and the Law of Attraction

Abraham-Hicks is a group of non-physical beings who bring messages of deep wisdom. When I saw this it made me shout "Hallelujah"! Click here to watch his video

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The Cuban Shuffle!

I can hardly wait till dance class tomorrow- we are learning how to do the Cuban Shuffle and the cha cha slide! So far in the 2 weeks Ihave been…

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A 3 year Old made my day

Today at dance class theowner brought her little grandson. He did not even know me and he came over and gave me a great big kiss on the cheek! What…

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