All Posts Tagged: Azna
Thank you, Rebecca, for this opportunity. Ask Mother Azna if I will be blessed with another job. I just don’t feel cut out for fast food management. I’m miserable in…
Mother Azna, Could you please help me in my psychic gift and I would truly love to be a healer. Thank you Mother for all you have done for us…
Hallo Mother Azna, I am 55, on one side I am totally broke on the other side and very creative. I do Magic Show, Performance, Video and Writing. My co-author…
Dear Rebecca and Azna, How can I best use my education to help children and teachers? I am completing my second master’s degree and I want to start my own…
Rebecca, I will keep this short and sweet. I would like for you to ask Azna three simple questions for me. 1. What is preventing my heart from fully opening?…