How can I best use my education to help children and teacher?

Dear Rebecca and Azna,

How can I best use my education to help children and teachers? I am completing my second master’s degree and I want to start my own business/company that supports teachers. Will this new career path be successful and help create change in the education field?

Much Love,

Dear Leanne,

You are indeed on a right career path for you. I see you exploring many different avenues and then settling into your life’s work. The reason for your exploration is to discover problems that need changing and better understand what you need to correct.

Do not worry; your exploration will not take long- you have already been doing quite a bit of research.

I see you as a pioneer and leader in helping both teachers and children. You are a real “doer” but I want you to take some time and spend it in meditation. Connect with master teachers and leaders on the other side for they have already agreed to help you.

You have already done such a great deal of “work”. It is time to let your heart do some connecting for you. Albert Einstein would like to commit some of his great genius and problem solving skills to help you.

Spending some time being quiet and getting in touch with spirit is the very best thing you can do for now. Once your heart is ready, things will fall quite easily into your lap. You did not come here to struggle- you came here to lead.

Love, Azna

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  1. Maria on January 19, 2009 at 2:40 pm

    Hello, I find it very difficult to be around silent people without filling in the space, as I feel so uncomfortable, particularly if they are the silent and anxious type. I recently worked with an individual who was really working below par, and was also being mocked by some kids for weight issues. My reaction to this, was to put myself down, point out my weaknesses etc., to make that person feel more of a winner. Even though simultaneously I felt they were lazy. I have done this so often in the past, it’s really bad for me, and it probably doesn’t help the other person just harms me. How can I stop putting myself down in the belief it make others feel better?

  2. Lynn on January 17, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    i am new to this site, it looks pretty cool, but i am not sure about it as i have not heard of it before. i have a few issues, but my most predominant one, i think, would be connecting with source. please tell me more about source. any advice you would like to offer?
    thank you much

  3. Lynn on January 17, 2009 at 1:10 pm

    i am new to this site, it looks pretty cool, but i am not sure about it as i have not heard of it before. i have a few issues, but my most predominant one, i think, would be connecting with source. please tell me more about source. any advice you would like to offer?
    thank you much

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