The Cuban Shuffle!

I can hardly wait till dance class tomorrow- we are learning how to do the Cuban Shuffle and the cha cha slide!

So far in the 2 weeks Ihave been going, we have done county line dance, belly dance, salsa, and meringue.(sp?)

This is the most fun way to work up a sweat I have ever done. All the ladies are so sweet! In the true Latin tradition, they all greet each other with a kiss- even if they don’t know you, they kiss you on the cheek (I live 10 miles from Mexico)

On another note… I have discovered the missing link to Conscious manifesting! I am trying it out on little things- like the price of gas in my neighborhood- doing great there! Started at 389 per galand now down to 241- I am shootin’ for 233.(This took a week and a half) I’ll let you know!

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