Need help for Anxiety & Depression

By Tawnya |

Dear Azna and Rebecca, I suffer from anxiety and depression and am wondering if you could ask if things will get better and if I will live a long fulfilling life? Signed, Anxious and Depressed Dear Anxious and Depressed, Yes! Things are getting better for…

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My Criticizing Self

By Tawnya |

Mother Azna! Could you please tell me why I don’t like myself, why I always criticize myself. Where did it start and what else can I do to change it completely and permanently? You know that I have tried a lot of things, and always…

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Going Nowhere

By Tawnya |

Dear Mother Azna, Will my life ever turn around?

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Thanks! Tipping Point

By Rebecca Marina |

You have made a wise choice to do this. The techniques you learn in this audio program will serve you for the rest of your life.  …and you will LOVE the Bonus: Millions of Miracles in Minutes, audio program. Check your email for the audio…

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