Posts by Rebecca Marina
Angels, Shame and What You can do about it!
One of the most joyous energies I encountered in working with The Emerald Tablets was the father of Thoth…Thotme. Soon to be in print. Tablet One, Verse: 8. And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, THOTME, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt…
Read MoreHow to Use Your Angels For Fun and Profit!
Before you get upset about the title being irreverent… please, hear the story. I haven’t offered you any classes in over a month… partly because I was working on “The Emerald Tablets – Easy Study Edition” and partly because I was having surgery on my jaw bone. Now, I’m all better and itching to…
Read MoreHelp me Choose a book cover: Vote today by hitting Reply.
Thoth commissioned me to put The Emerald Tablets in chapter and verse format. This will make it so much easier for students to study, reference and share. The manuscript is already at the book designer… however, I need some help choosing a book cover. No matter which cover I choose, it has to be tweaked.…
Read MoreHow to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus!
Fear is running high…Protect yourself at your first line of defense. Your auric field. Watch the video and then share please. As I was trying to drift back to sleep, I had a terrifying vision. Hell Hounds were sniffing around feasting off fear energy that is being sparked over this virus. I love you and…
Read MoreArchangel Gabriel and The Wicked Witch
Archangel Gabriel and The Wicked Witch It was 1999. I had just started having a spiritual awakening and the transition from old traditional religion into more spirituality was an exciting adventure. About this time, I heard of a seminar on “fundraising for the needy” in a large city nearby. Strangely, I felt compelled to go!…
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