End Monkey Mind…meditate easily (even if you failed before!)

By Rebecca Marina |

Is anything more frustrating  than trying to meditate and your mind won’t stop thinking about…EVERYTHING? This simple technique puts you in the zone of meditation better than anything I have ever seen. Watch video here: http://wp.me/pq2xG-4jp Be a love and share this! Love, Rebecca Watch video…

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Craziest, most Precious lesson I EVER Learned from a TV show!

By Rebecca Marina |

This  lesson will do you good! Make you laugh and lift your spirits… What do a nest of angry hornets, a Very Curious Male anatomy part and Unconditional love have to teach us? Just watch the video and please share this if it touches you…

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Mary Magdalene: When Jesus and I Make Love…

By Rebecca Marina |

Why is it that most of society needs to view Jesus as some mamby pamby sexless man? The only time He ever is portrayed as having human emotions is when He became angry at the money changers in the temple. ( I admire the Mormon…

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How To Protect Yourself from Judgement

By Rebecca Marina |

One time, when I was a little girl, I found myself riding in the back seat of the car with two ministers. The Baptist minister was in the front and the Pentecostal minister was in the back seat with me. Both of these ministers had…

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