Short but sweet questions for Mother God Azna


I will keep this short and sweet.  I would like for you to ask Azna three simple questions for me.

1. What is preventing my heart from fully opening?
2. What is keeping me from stopping smoking?
3. Why can’t I see things with my Third Eye?

I can teach other people about their third eyes but I see nothing.  It is frustrating when, as a yoga teacher, I ask students to see things but I can’t see them myself.  I know it is open as I feel the energy.

Could you ask Azna in what order I am to work on my blockages and how or if there is something else I need to work on first?
Tamara R.

Dear Tamara,

I hear much from you about what you cannot do and not much praise for what you can do. Your greatest challenge in this life is to stop comparing yourself to others,

You are a wonderful light just like you are. That light grows dimmer every time you compare yourself or your gifts to others and feel inadequate.

Your heart is very connected to your third eye. Work on the heart first and everything else will follow easily. Mother Azna is giving you a “love order” and that is to love yourself and to not criticize yourself.

Do this right now, even though you feel you are not ready or worthy.

  • I love myself even though I smoke.
  • I love myself even if my third eye is never opened.
  • I love myself even if I feel my heart is not fully open.

That is your homework, dearest. Practice loving yourself whether you ever open your heart, third eye, or quit smoking. From my viewpoint, I see your heart as extremely lovable and precious. When you are able to accept and love yourself with no self blame- you can do anything.

You will see. I will be sending you a special sign to let you know how perfect you are right now…look for it.

Love, Azna

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  1. mette on January 29, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    Dear Rebecca

    I wonder what my plan is in this life. I live alone with my 3 daughters, and wish i knew what kind of job i am ment to have..doing good for people who struggle is something i feel is me, but i also feel that i should develop other skills.

  2. Kerry on January 29, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Dear Rebecca, I have a few questions for Mother Azna. 1: I have always wanted children but was never able to have them. I am 55 years old and would like to adopt but that has never worked out. Can you tell me why? and if I will adopt? No. 2 I’ve tried to grow spirtually and I’ve never got very far. I’ve tried opening my third eye for awhile now but it hasn’t happened yet. Can you tell me why and what I can do to open it? And lastly it seems as if I’ve been in a desert period all of my life or maybe it just feels as if its all my life, anyway will things ever change and will my finances turn around?
    It seems as if my husband has given up on children and anything getting any better. How can I encourage him? Thank-you for your loving care! Kerry

  3. Kerry on January 29, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Dear Rebecca,

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