EFT Process to clear out my blocks to financial and emotional stability

Dear Rebecca & Mother God Azna,

Thank you so much for being such a blessing for all the people that follow your work and thank you for being a channel for Mother God.

I was hoping that through the help of Mother God you could assist me with an EFT process to clear out my blocks to financial and emotional stability. I have been struggling to find my place in the new country. I have been in Canada for 7 years and I believe I have made profound progress in the outside – wrapping paper.

First, I finished a Masters program to upgrade my skills for the North American market. Second, I completed a teaching/training certificate to offer high quality teaching in my field.

I am presently working part-time in a community college. This is fantastic; However, I haven’t improved a bit when it comes to being part of the community 🙁

I feel I am safe only in my shell and tend to shy away and avoid any social gathering, or opportunities to interact with others. I know this is my problem and I cannot blame anyone for it. But this is restricting my opportunities financially and even my spiritual growth.

I avoid people because am afraid that I will not be able to bond with others; I will annoy or disappoint them. Today it was a gathering in the department I work for and I didn’t even go. It felt safer to be home. Nevertheless, I know this is the wrong thing.

I cannot get over the fear of not being good enough, or adequate for the environment. In fact, I don’t even dare to apply for other jobs because I am afraid I am not good enough for them, or…..I just don’t know what stops me. However, I am procrastinating forever.

Can you with the help from Mother Azna help me clear that thick fog? I have been trying EFT myself but I am not getting at the bottom of it. I tried your clearing session “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “you have to work hard, study hard and then you can be happy”.

The “I have to study hard…and then …” session brought tears of relief in my eyes. But here I am again. My colleagues are socializing and celebrating the end of the semester and I am home in my pajamas.

I count on your help. Hope I deserve that.

All my blessings from the bottom of my heart


Dear Irena,

Your emotional feeling of inadequacy began in the womb. You heard words and picked up feelings that terrified you and somehow got ‘set” in your energy field and emotional code. No matter how much education you get, you will not succeed until you understand and transform this energy.

Yes, I will guide Rebecca in creating an EFT setup for you to heal this issue. It is important that you do this exercise several times because as you do it, different layers will come up.
Do this EFT exercise (That Rebecca will provide) at least once a day until you feel a relief. This will be a process for you because your energy has come to accept rejection as “truth”.

After you feel more liberated intend to love yourself more. Do loving things for yourself. That’s a “Love order” from me, Azna. One who loves you dearly and wishes you joy and happiness.

Love, Azna

Here is an EFT exercise from Rebecca that will help with “womb” issues. Many readers will benefit from doing this exercise.

If you do not know EFT, see tutorial before beginning.
Learn EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques by video

Let me guide you through the exercise by audio which you can click and listen to here. OR click here to download the MP3 audio to your computer.

EFT Exercise for insecurity due to “womb trauma”

Begin with an EFT balancing exercise:
Tap karate chop spot and say. Come into balance repeat 3 times.

  • Tap top of head, “come into balance”
  • Beginning of eye,” balance”
  • Side of eye,”balance”
  • Under eye, “balance”
  • Under nose, “balance”
  • Under lip, “balance”
  • Collarbone spot, “balance”
  • Under arm, “balance”
  • Liver spot, “balance”

Now you are ready to proceed with the rest of the exercise.
Take an intensity rating on how insecure you feel right now.
Rate 1-10; ten being high, 1 being low.

Tap the karate chop spot and say. “Even though I heard and felt scary things while in the womb, that made me feel insecure, I love and accept myself”

Keep tapping the karate chop spot and repeat 3 times.

Now shorten the words down to scary things, insecure and tap on all the treatment points.

After one round, take a reading on your intensity of feeling insecure, is it lower?

Do some more EFT…
Even though I had some experiences that seem to be stuck in my energy field, I love and accept myself.
Do a whole round with that one- re-check intensity.

Now, Even though I had a rough start, I chose to allow divine forgiveness flow. I release any need to hold others responsible, I forgive.

Stop and take another intensity rating.

More, EFT:

Even though I have had this a long time, I chose to let it go and let it be easy, release the need to figure out how, I simply release.

After this round, take another intensity rating on your insecurity.

Let’s finish up with another lovely “choice” (Dr Carrington invented the choices method of EFT)

Even though I may have had this insecurity even before my life began, I chose to transform that energy into confidant vitality. I chose to allow myself to become more social baby step by baby step. I chose to allow more and more joy in my life. I chose to allow myself to love and express love to myself.

Repeat any part of this exercise as needed.

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  1. Irena on February 21, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Thank you Mother Azna for your divine guidance! Thank you Rebeca for this powerful exercise. I just repeated the exercise and I feel so much better. I need to do the exercise every day as Mother Azna suggested; too many layers to peal… but now that I have this tool is very easy to target the exact issue that has been holding me back.

    Dear Rebecca, may you receive a shower of blessings for you, Belin, baby Jack and everyone in your family.

    Love, Irena

  2. Ivone on February 3, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    Dear Rebecca,

    What a powerful exercise. Thank you a million times.

    The release was so powerful that I could hardly repeat the phrases with so much yawning. It is jaw dropping! 🙂 I can feel more joy already in my life.

    May you continue to be blessed and enlightened to enlighten others.


  3. Mary Madeline on January 13, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    Wasn’t sure if the womb tapping would work on me, but boy did I feel an energy shift. I tapped on money issues that started from the womb and it made me feel so much lighter. Thank you Rebecca for the script and thank you Irena for asking the question. Blessings to both of you.


    M. Madeline

  4. Mary Madeline on January 13, 2009 at 11:48 pm

    Wasn’t sure if the womb tapping would work on me, but boy did I feel an energy shift. I tapped on money issues that started from the womb and it made me feel so much lighter. Thank you Rebecca for the script and thank you Irena for asking the question. Blessings to both of you.


    M. Madeline

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