58 & Worried about…

Dear Mother Azna,

I am only 58 but I am concerned about the future. Can you help me?
Sign me,
Concerned about future at ripe young age of 58

Dear Concerned,
First, don’t beat yourself up because you feel concern. It is a normal thing to be concerned about one’s future.
You are the one who determines what your future will be like. It is not up to fate or anyone else. Only you. There is nothing that cannot be changed. Even if you planned to learn some really rough lesson by dire circumstance, that can be changed.
Nothing is set in stone… you are a being of free-will on both sides of the veil.

So ask yourself, “What do I want my future to be like?”

For you dearest one, this will take getting very still and quieting your racing mind. Your energy field has been “roughed up” a bit by outside influences and it has got you a bit flustered. The hardest part for you may be letting go of “needing to know so many details and just trusting”. You are not schedualed to die for a good long time and even that can be extended by your will.
All is well- accept it, Azna

PS: from Azna. Would you like Rebecca to teach you my method of “Changing your Blueprint”? She has used it in private settings to help people who were supposed to die add years to their life. Email her at rebecca@rebeccamarina.com with “Change My Blueprint” as subject line.



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  1. Linda on April 10, 2009 at 11:27 am

    Yes, all the research confirms that as you think of what you want rather than what you don’t want you actually release chemicals, endorphins, that not only make you feel better, but actually contribute to your brain chemistry in a way that gives you focus and clarity. With those resources you are more easily able to begin moving into your future and enjoying the journey!! Best wishes to you!

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