70 hr a week burnout!

Dear Mother Azna

I got burnt out after working at a job for 70 hours a week for the last few years.

I have given up this job and learned some new things with which I want to start my own business teaching courses.

However, I am having great difficulty sleeping, get up in the morning because I’m exhausted and have become so confused mentally that I constantly make mistakes.

I often have moments in which I see myself happily teaching my courses and being full of energy. but then the physical and mental exhaustion sets in again and I find myself unable to do anything.

Please help my out of this predicament.

Totally burnt out

Dear Totally Burnt Out,

First, you are an excellent teacher and will be very successful once you adjust. Here’s the thing…for years, you had your nose to the grindstone. Your body was accustomed to being ‘forced’ and to put it’s own needs aside.
Now that you have gotten off the treadmill, your energy field does not know how to handle this concept.
Here is Mother Anza’s recommendation for you.

1.Do some energy healing work, (EFT, HPT, Hypnosis, Etc) to integrate your 2 sub-personalities. You have a very industrious part of you that finds it difficult to relax. The idea that work can be fun just drives this part of you batty. Be kind to that part but acknowledge it with kindness and energy healing work. Tell that workaholic part that they can have fun doing detail work when you are a successful teacher.

2.See yourself as the leader and teacher you are called to be. This is now your mission and you are trying your best to follow it. If you still have a few sleepless nights, handle it like this: Get up, tap for, “Even though my workaholic is driving me batty, I love and accept myself”. Then use the time to do some planning for your classes.

3.Know this… what you are going through is a normal reaction for someone who has been what you have been through. You will get to the other side of this and you will be very successful at following your heart. You are an inspiration to others.

I love you, Azna


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  1. Linda on April 10, 2009 at 11:36 am

    As a hypnotist, I can offer you a very general process that offers some relief and can help you move into a smooth relaxing restful sleep. As you get yourself into bed, lie on your back and place your hands flat on your thighs. You will use your fingers to count to 10. With each count say the phrase, silently to yourself, Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.

    As you say the phrase think to your self of something in your life you want to go better. It could be anything. Maybe you would like to be more organized, or a better listener or more effective communicator or more flexible. Pick one thing for each time you say the phrase and use your fingers pressing into your thighs to help you keep track. You may find yourself picking the same thing more than once and that is ok too. As you are focusing in this way your mind is distracted from the worrisome thoughts that keep you awake. Sweet Dreams!

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