Best way to do surrogate for others

Sometimes we want to help someone and the only way is by doing surrogate work for them.

The number one question I get on this is…”Do I have to ask their permission?”

Yes, in my experience it is BEST that you do.
However, you can ask permission of their SPIRIT. You don’t need to ask the conscious person.

Follow these easy steps to do a complete surrogate energy work on someone’s behalf.

#1. Be sure that you have pure intent in doing the surrogate work.  I cannot stress this enough! You cannot have the intent to manipulate them in any way. This is purely an offering of healing or encouragement.

#2. Call the spirit of the person into a circle of light. Explain what your intent is and ask their permission to do this on their behalf. You will FEEL a distinct YES…or NO.  If yes, proceed. If NO, honor that and do not take it personally.

#3. Yes? Then do this simple mental exercise. Put on their energy body! That’s right, as if you are putting on a suit, slip it like a glove over your head. You will FEEL the energy shift!

#4. Proceed with the surrogate work. 

#5. At the end, slip out of the ‘body suit’.
If need be, literally SHAKE the energy of the person off of you.

#6. That is it…you have done your best. What a loving thing it is that you have done.

It is so important NOT to have any personal agenda. You are always asking for the highest good for the person.
Spirit KNOWS what is best for their particular SOUL PATH…honor that!

I have seen surrogate work accomplish absolute miracles!

I am recommending that folks who did my
Eradicate the Fear of Punishment Implant, do this FIRST for themselves…and THEN for someone they love doing the Surrogate method.

If you MISSED the  Eradicate the Fear of Punishment Implant course, it is NOT TOO LATE for you.
Catch the video course now and just Pay What You can!
Remember, do it once for you, and then as many times as you like for someone you love.
I love you,

PS: I strive to be CLEAR~ however, if these instructions were NOT clear for you. Email me and let me know what you need.

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