Why Does ‘YUCKY STUFF” happen at Holiday Time?

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Why Does “Yucky Stuff” Happen at Holidays?

(Plus shortcut tapping technique)

You know what it’s like…nerves are running high.

You know that sometime during this Holiday season… you’re going to run into that creepy uncle you’re pretty sure molested you as a child.

Then there’s that cousin who hasn’t spoken to you since you ‘accidentally’ flirted with her boyfriend back in the 70’s.

But wait, yikes, maybe your own mother is feeling the pinch and lording it over you for ‘not doing enough’.

All of us have our own little scenario, all who have family…have stories. (And those who have no family, wish they did)

…and even if yours is the sweetest, most loving family on the planet, you are still tuning in to the chaos around you. All of this Universal stress can make “yucky stuff” happen.


Guilt…that’s right, good ole sneaky, snivelin’ Guilt!

Here’s what Gabriella(Worlds sassiest angel) has to say about this plus… how to help.

Light workers have a problem.

They always think they could be doing MORE. They never feel like they did the best they can so …here comes “Mr. Guilt.” It may seem like strange advice, yet, if you could start giving yourselves credit for all the good you do, the whole world would benefit.

What is the opposite of guilt?

Innocence or blamelessness.

Yet, why is it so hard for us to embrace our innocence?

Because, we believe that somehow, we are responsible for much of the chaos around us. We didn’t pray enough, share enough, care enough, do enough, yada yada yada.

Solution…start right now (and I mean this cotton picken minute” )to give yourselves credit for every time you do the slightest good.

Need some tapping to help?

(Shortcut Tapping) Tap the setup on the karate chop spot, then pick on main accupressure point to tap in a one word reminder)Even though I’ve beat myself up and dissed my own higher self, I love and forgive myself. I forgive myself for not honoring who I am and all my effort toward peace.

I forgive all the scalawag relatives I have to come into contact with. I give myself permission to love myself fully this holiday season and always. I give myself permission to embrace innocence.

While you can’t take away the guilt of the whole world, you can do a lot by working on your own. You can love and forgive yourself 100 times a day. You can be the ‘ocean of peace’ in the midst of chaos. Your calm energy stream will defiantly help soothe the energies of all who come into contact with you.

And give yourself credit for that!

I love you…really,


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  1. lovelylinda on November 30, 2013 at 11:36 am

    thanks for the reminder, Rebecca. I realized that I LET my relatives get to me on thanksgiving day, even though I rationally KNOW that they are doing the best they can. they do not see that they are guilty of the things they accuse me of, and that their behavior towards me is hurtful (or they see it and don’t care). thanks for the tap as well…I will use it as I prepare for the Christmas gathering. xo

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