The Evacuation of Atlantis

I channeled this message a few years back and yet…it is timeless.

Who Escaped from Atlantis?

Did they know what was coming?

Are YOU a descendant of Atlantis?

Many of us ARE descendants of Atlantis.

Many of us are Starseeds we are  multi-dimensional…we are star travelers!

The Evacuation Of Atlantis

Channeled from Anwar, Chief medical officer of Atlantis

Atlantis did not sink in one fell swoop as people suppose…it was gradual.

Many citizens chose to evacuate, immigrate and re-seed portions of the earth…they planned  and planned this carefully.

In a previous transmission, I have already told you that many simply ‘ascended’ by changing their physical body elements and becoming their Light body.

Those who departed to re-populate vowed to enhance the qualities and abilities of the peoples they chose to be with.

They vowed never to try and  overcome the native intelligence of the peoples they immigrated to.

The goal was to blend with that culture for the gradual and gentle betterment of all.

When choosing where they would go, I, Anwar and my team were consulted extensively.

It was important that the brain and certain body cavities be genetically able to adjust  to the larger brain size of the immigrating Atlanteans.

Certain particulates of light and glandular adjustments were certain to occur for the breeding and integration of the Atlantean with the native populations.

In essence, those immigrants from Atlantis were aliens, seeking to share their advanced society without doing harm.

These Dear ones who evacuated looked upon their choice as “Missionary work”- for the uplifting and advancement of Chosen Societies. (Remember natives populations were chosen purely for their genetic abilities to blend with the Atlanteans.)

It was the goal of these Atlantean evacuees to find mates among the new culture as soon as possible.

Atlanteans were of course human and so blended very well. They respected all laws and cultures of the chosen society where they settled.

Some examples of this “blending”: Mayan culture, Andean culture, Egyptian, Nordic culture, and more. A certain sect even migrated to Sparta as those who were very interested in human physical capabilities.

Anwar says…”Many of you reading this now, are our kinsman having been blended with other cultures for the survival of our genetic line.

Those of you who are our kinsman have been resonating with these words, Yes, some of you have felt your heart leap in recognition of this truth.”


Even if you are not our direct descendants genetically, surely you are on a soul level. Otherwise, why are you attracted to this material?

That is all for today,

Anwar and team

(From Rebecca: I am grateful for this information and the positive light it brings. Anwar did touch briefly on the very few who few greedy for power. It was more like a hunger for so much knowledge that it got out of hand.

More on that another time…let us focus on the positive.

(I channeled several messages about Atlantis that I can share with you- hit REPLY to this email and let me know if you want more!)



PS: Groupon this week:

The “Atlantis Portal Technique” to Unlimited Wealth…Audio program

 60% off for this great financial wisdom from Atlantis.

Re-establish the One True Law of Prosperous Thriving…

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  1. Lee K Wolf on September 27, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    Dearest Rebecca – Thank you sooo very much for bringing Anwar’s messages to us!!! It truly is time for these messages to come to the light – and to Lightworkers!!!! We sooo need this information now!!!

  2. Karen Lindentree on September 25, 2013 at 3:16 pm

    Dear Anwar and of course, Rebecca..

    I find these messages absolutely fascinating to read. It feels like – as I am reading the transmissions.. that my mind is trying very hard to ‘remember’ the events that are being described. I feel that’s the only way i can describe my reaction to this information.

    Thank you Rebecca. I love what you do, and how you do it with such humour, love and compassion.

    Much love,

  3. Susan Davies on September 25, 2013 at 11:22 am

    Dear Rebecca and Anwar.

    I am clearing out my body and opening my ability to radiate more light. It was a bit of a shock at first but your words are helping me to allow a smooth transition. Please give more steps to help this growth.

    Many thanks and much Love. Susan

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