The Cure for Light worker’s Financial Cancer

A Light worker is anyone aspiring to do good for themselves, others, animals, plants or mother earth.

This message is especially for Light workers who earn a living by giving of their gifts and talents.

Comments from a few who took this earlier…                              
From Lee W.
So powerful… I can’t even begin to describe it!

From Lauren.
I truly feel my “Beloved-ness”, my fatigue has shifted, and I
feel as if we are being totally upgraded.

From Sonia,
I started off feeling frustration, now I feel just…
” happiness.”

There is a cancer upon the land.

Yes, a heavy blanket of despair smothering many light workers.
I get letters from so many who want to serve…  yet struggle

Some to the point of giving up, leaving them wondering:
• Wondering, should I just give up? Leave all my spiritual
talents and go get a J.O.B?

• Wondering, is my calling even true?

• Wondering, is anything I believe even true?

• Wondering, are my gifts a fraud? Am I a fraud? (or just cra cra?)

• Wondering if there is a God and if He/She even cares if I do what
I feel is “God’s work”

This can leave one feeling Abandoned, Hopeless, Broken open.

Why in the world would those of us who have chosen to be Light workers
have to suffer like this?

It’s the Cancer!

Let me tell you what the cancer really is.

This cancer is the attitude of society in general …that if something
is of a spiritual nature… it ought to be free.

Given away for nothing.  

A Huge part of this cancer has been caused by religious authorities.
Since early times, religions have been so eager to convert others
to their way…they have given away services, just to sucker people in.

So much damage has been done in the name of God throughout the ages.
Society believes all spiritual services should be without cost and
that has trickled down to those of us who are offering services-
services that we paid dearly to be taught how to use.

I have to confess…I have the cancer too!

Every time I charge for a class, I feel just a little bit guilty.
The guilty feeling part wishes I could just give everything away.

*Do you know that I have well over 100 no-cost self-help videos on
my youtube channel that took me hours and hours to do?

*Do you know that I have a page on my site that offers treatments for
everything under the sun- all at no cost?

So, yes, I have the freakin’ cancer!

Sadly, no matter how much I give away, I hardly ever even get a
“thank you”- mostly it’s criticism for not giving Everything Away.

Do you find this happening to you too?

This is especially difficult for us Light workers because we do
love to help, we do love to serve. It gives us pleasure to share-
but not when the sharing is taken for granted and not appreciated.

We have also bought into the doctrine that we should give away as
much as we can. Oh yes, let us charge a little, just enough to get by.

As Anwar said yesterday, we feel we have to treat everyone who crosses
our path whether there is an exchange of energy or not.

Here is what I know for sure… for those who want everything for no-cost,

you can never give them enough!

You can give and give and give and it will never satisfy them.

There are those who feel that “because I am poor, you owe me”

If this is the type of clients you have been attracting… it’s time to cut out the cancer.

It may hurt a little… before we heal the cancer in others, we must heal it within ourselves.

Signs you have the cancer:
• You have a sliding scale

• You give clients more time than they paid for

• You feel guilty when you need to charge or raise your price

• When clients are late, you still give them the same amount of
appointment time

• You feel tired, overwhelmed, and you are in financial difficulty

Another sign you have the cancer…You feel the calling of your heart to move
into full time Light work but you are afraid to let go of security.

So you hide your light under a bushel.

A person once said to me: “How can you charge for your service?
You get everything from Mother God with no charge, you pay nothing
…and yet you want us to pay you.”
If you are like me… Most light workers have spent thousands getting
trainings to improve their gifts. If you could track the hours an average
light worker spends in research, trainings and improving their skills it
would rival any Harvard graduate.

…and so what if it is a natural talent straight from God?

Every talent in the world is straight from God whether it’s talking to
dead people or building bridges and skyscrapers.
(Can I get an Amen?)

So, what can we do? How can Light workers finally start getting paid?

You want to rebel against this system but you are so eaten up with cancer,
you feel too weak.
Anwar (Chief medical officer of Atlantis) has given me some explicit guidance
for this. Azna has been after me for years now to Stop the cancer-
Until now,I never got”fed up” enough to listen to their instructions.

But first, we have to open up to how we have bought into this.
I already said that it may hurt a little.

After, we have “Opened up”, Anwar will introduce us to
“The Atlantian Extraction process”

This process will give you permission to get righteously angry,
to Stop laying down and being a doormat!

When you get clear on your STAND, others will know it energetically.
You may not even have to say a word.

Of course I am bringing you a teleclass to
“Cure Light workers Financial Cancer”

Teleclass Times are:(session is about 2 hours)

Saturday Sept 28 at 4 Pm eastern
Sunday Sept 29 at 2 Pm eastern
Monday Sept 30 at 8 Pm eastern

(One ticket gets you entrance to all in case you need extra Cure)

I am happy to say, there is an exchange of energy for this.

$67 One time
or choose payplan (Do Not use paypal for pay plan)
$39 Twice

If you feel I should bring you this class for Nothing…then you
have the cancer really bad and you need the class more than anyone.

So what if people get a little mad at me?
I have my instructions…now off to finish curing my own cancer, so
that I can be a more clear channel of this wisdom for you.
Love and Blessings,

Check Your Timezone for class times.


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  1. Dr.Willy Holmes-Spoelder on September 28, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    I adore you Rebecca, your spark, punk = heartwarming

  2. Monica on September 28, 2013 at 3:04 am

    Love you and your classes!
    And yes! I struggle because I have the same problem, giving services away and being depleted, thinking that I am spiritual.
    I was given free sessions by my acupuncturist after suffering some financial problems and I did accept one to honor him and to open to receive, but after that I paid full price, did not feel good to have free sessions. Just because I have temporary low flow doesn’t mean I have to feel poor.
    Thank you!

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