“Pity Party Whine-fest, Mega Discouragement Cure All”

I had horrible dreams all night.

In the dream, I was so poor, I begged a hardware store owner to allow me to clean the floor and wipe down his dirty shelves. As I worked, I noticed that many of the shelves were bare. Shoot, I started to get worried about getting paid.

Sure enough, when I had cleaned my little heart out, the owner told me times were so tough, he didn’t even have twenty dollars to give me. Instead, he offered me two old, used sinks….”maybe you can do something with these” he said.

Horrible Dream Monster

The worst is yet to come…

The store owner then got into his shiny, new pickup and took his beautiful girlfriend out for a fine steak dinner- leaving me feeling lower than a one legged centipede!

I woke up feeling very discouraged. The store owner did not see my value- perhaps because I went in begging? Perhaps he read my energy of “Settling for crumbs” and decided I wasn’t worth anything more than two old used, dirty sinks.

This dream affected me on such a deep level. I found myself wondering if anybody would care if I was even here. Anytime something affects me in such a profound way, I know that it is not “Just for me”.

The feelings I woke up with, weren’t just mine. These are some of your feelings too…am I right?

It is true that I hold the space for many. Sometimes I experience very deep feelings that causes me to ask for answers. I usually find out it was very much needed.

• Do you ever feel like life is just not treating you right?

• Do you ever feel like you must be doing some wrong- or you would not be in this mess?

• Do you ever wonder if your life matters at all?

• Do you ever feel like others are doing way better than you?

• Do you feel like you give way more than you get?

Feeling Low...

Feeling Low…

If so, then you may have a case of “Mega Discouragement Syndrome”!

There are only two known cures.

#1. End it all (yikes, not a good choice- especially since somebody will have to clean the mess)

#2. Attend Rebecca’s “Pity Party Whine-fest, Mega Discouragement Cure All”

What the heck is a “Pity Party Whine-fest, Mega Discouragement Cure All”?

Something different, that’s for sure! Pure Rebecca.

You see, we are always so focused on being ‘Uplifting, Light workers of the World” that we never give ourselves permission to whine a bit. (personally, I have two friends who exchange whine sessions with me every now and then. I called one of them that morning and he proceeded to ‘out-do’ me on the whining)


Whine a little, let go a lot! Very Unorthodox.

Get revved up using your own “Juice of Discouragement” as fuel.

Don’t be afraid to give yourself permission to VENT!

You will feel better.

I suggest you tap on some HPT meridian Points while venting.

Just tap and talk- or shout- which ever feels better!


Good tapping points to relieve Stress!

Good tapping points to relieve Stress!

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