HPT Tapping Banishes Anxiety for Blossoming Psychic

This exercise uses the Touchpoints of Heart Point Technique (HPT) and tapping…plus the good ole phrase made famous by Dear Gary Craig, ( wonderful creator of EFT)

“I love and accept myself”. Notice the use of humor- it works fast and you will love it! Tap along to relieve any anxieties you may have.

PLease subscribe to my channel for future updates.(Click the round button at top right on video)

 Christina can be reached at http://www.facebook.com/adventuresofapsychic

 I am looking for volunteers to work with me on camera.

You don’t have to be present with me like Christina. If you have a webcam, and are not camera shy, I can work with you.

This will be broadcast on youtube so you need to know that the whole world could benefit from this.If you have a website, you can mention it like Christina did but it will NOT be any type of commercial. My intent in offering this is to be a blessing of emotional healing to others.

Email me at Rebecca@rebeccamessenger.com and let me know your issue and availability. (I can’t pick everybody but will do my best)

This will be for a short time.

Leave your comments below.

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