How he did His miracles, How we can save the earth…and How it’s all connected!

In Dec 2012, a team of Holy Spirit helpers began giving me precious information.

Within two months, I had channeled two complete books. The information is most astonishing! I could have never dreamed it up in a million years. I will be sharng from Both books as guided…so stay tuned.

This is Chapter 3

Of course, one chapter does not tell the whole story…but the whole book sure does! Look for it soon on Amazon.

If you were touched by anything in this chapter, please pass this to your friends and share on facebook.


  1. Eric Huysmans on February 4, 2013 at 7:44 am

    Revelations about the awakening of the Christ consciousness in your heart

    Mary Magdalene: “Dear people, during my life on Earth as Mary Magdalene, I, together with Jesus, have been a carrier of the Christ Consciousness. Although every human being is a carrier of this particular form of consciousness, Jesus and I accepted a contract to help to activate this consciousness in the heart of every human being. By actually doing this, we got the opportunity to widen our own consciousness as such and to open our hearts so we could experience our divine essence on Earth and to share this with others.

    The Christ consciousness is the consciousness that arises when one, after he or she came fully in contact with the Earth duality of good and evil, is capable to enbrace himself and others in the unconditional love of his or her heart. Only when you, as God in a human form, go through the Earthly experience of the duality of good and evil, the initiations can take place which you need to experience unconditional love. By going through this duality it becomes possible to close your heart and then, after a turning point, to re-open it towards the full conscious acceptance of your Divinity on Earth.

    To be able to experience the Christ consciousness in a human life is a special gift. It also implies that we first had to be confronted with human evil. This yielded, in our case, the absolute nadir during the crucifixion of Jesus, where I also essentially was crusified in a non-corporeal form.
    The confrontation with evil, to any extent, enables people to develop compassion. It is important to recognize that the confrontation with evil for you people, is an often violent and painful experience. It is the biggest test of your human creation. It brings stress, confusion and often loss with it. If this is lived intensely, the Personality may experience great stress.

    Trauma, aggression and suicide may result. These experiences bring a grieving process with them. Grieving over a loss in any form whatsoever. A few examples: you get fired and lose your job, you go apart and your relationship has ended, or someone takes something amiss and has lost confidence in you. What the ‘damage’ is, large or small, therefore, it needs processing, tranquility and attention. Only when the Personality has processed the damage or loss in any way and has given it a place in the consciousness, you are able to open your heart to experience compassion. Now this may take several lifetimes.

    An important element in the process of mourning is self-forgiveness. There is almost in any kind of loss or damage an element of self-reproach for a role that you consciously or unconsciously have played, when creating this incident. It is not so much about the real role that you may or may not have played, but for what you think you did. If you believe that you were the co-creator of this loss or of these damages, you need to finalize your mourning process and forgive yourself. This forgiveness allows you to open your heart to experience compassion and unconditional love. And this now awakens the Christ consciousness in your heart.

    The awakening of the Christ Consciousness summarizes the whole meaning of the human experience on Earth. It represents the transcendence of the duality of good and evil by opening your heart and the development of unconditional love. It reflects the activation of the Divine by your experiences as humans on Earth and the role that this activation has in the Creation Cycle. A cycle that develops through the creation process, from the absolute level of God to the ultimately manifesting of the Divine in a material form, and then by the contraction and re-melting of the Universe thus to be able to return to the absolute level of God. The added value of creation, the activation of what is potentially present in God, through the manifestation via creation, you find by awakening the Christ consciousness in your heart. In this way you, as humans, contribute substantially to the value of Creation, by awakening the Christ Consciousness in your hearts. That way, you play a leading role in the process of the return of the entire expanded universe to the Absolute level of God.

    Om het Christusbewustzijn in je hart verder te doen ontwaken, dien je door ‘de Cyclus van het Hart’ heen te gaan. Deze cyclus herhaalt zich dertien keer, één keer per hartskwaliteit. Tijdens de cyclus sluit elke hartskwaliteit zich tot er een dieptepunt bereikt wordt. Zodat er als gevolg daarvan uiteindelijk weer ruimte wordt geschapen om deze hartskwaliteit opnieuw te doen on(twaken. En dit nu gebeurt volledig aan het einde van de cyclus. Als alle dertien hartskwaliteiten weer volledig ontwaakt zijn, is het Christusbewustzijn in je hart ook wakker.
    Wanneer jullie het Christusbewustzijn in je hart willen activeren, komen jullie de volgende transformatiemomenten tegen.

    For continuing to awaken the Christ consciousness in your heart, you need to go through “Cycle of the Heart ‘. This cycle is repeated thirteen times, once every heart quality. During each heart cycle every heart quality closes itself until a nadir is reached. So that as a result, eventually space is created for this heart quality to be reawakened. And this is done entirely at the end of the cycle. If all thirteen heart qualities again are fully awake, the Christ consciousness in your heart is awake too.
    When you are to awaken the Christ consciousness in your heart, you reach the next moments of transformation.

    The five transformations of the Cycle of the Heart

    Mary Magdalene: “Dear friends, you have long been concerned with exploring you as being human. Life after life you come in contact with many subtle and obvious aspects of your life in a human form. Your Divinity reveals itself clearer every day. You realize more of who you are in essence, God in a human form. To become aware of your Godship, each of you walk your own discovery. This trip you can also call “Cycle of the Heart”. In Chapter 6, this cycle will be explained in more detail.

    During this journey you must first close your heart to be able in order to turn your attention to the outside world and to align yourself with others and the world. Only when you are connected with the world and with others, you will be able to rediscover your Divinity. By connecting yourself with others and the world around you, all your potentials get in motion. They become manifest. These abilities are potentially present in you, form an integral part of you from the beginning of time, from the moment when you were one with the Absolute level of God and not yet became a man in a physical form. This unit is also permanently present in you. You’re essentially the Absolute level of God which has assumed a human form. The God that you are, is longing to explore himself in a life on Earth. A life where you can experience anything you need in order to realize that you are God. In this process you can step by step, embrace Earth life while embracing yourself as a man and as God.

  2. Eric Huysmans on February 4, 2013 at 7:23 am

    How is the book going?
    Need some help?Eric

  3. admin on September 13, 2012 at 4:55 pm

    still working on it…writing it is one thing, editing and get it out is another.

  4. Jackie on September 6, 2012 at 8:56 am

    What’s happening with the book? I was so looking forward to reading it.


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