Thanks 07/14/2010 Healing service

Mother God Azna’s Heart Point Technique for Physical Issues.

(I already have enough volunteers)

Wed. July 14 from 9 to10:30 PM eastern

Call in 623-255-3832 access code 598814#

Listen in on the web FREE from any country including USA


If you have ever Needed to get a written transcript- Get this one! These protocals Mother Azna is giving us are priceless! You will WANT to Have these protocals at your very fingertips to refer to easily.

PLus…you WANT to have the great revelation of Mother Azna In writing so you can easily read it any time you want.This secret revealed will rock your world more than anyhting I have been told…ever!

I am making the price Extra low! Only $7.77 so everyone can afford it.

Get the transcript!   

Only $7.77 for powerhouse healing protocals straight from the Divine feminine!

(Think! If you Don’t get this transcript you will be kicking yourself and aggravated when you are trying to wind and rewind the audio to get them!)

Get the transcript!  


Want to Volunteer? Go to webpage

And leave a detailed description of your physical issues- do not volunteer unless you are COMMITTED to being there and to whatever Azna has for you!

Tell all your friends, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a healing method launch for Physical issues. A healing method straight from the heart of the Divine feminine!

Love and blessings,


PS_ I am putting myself on the line here. I have never used heart Point technique for physical healing and I have never used the protocols Mother is giving me. Be the first to experience these protocols and healing of physical issues for yourself.

Posted in


  1. Lorraine on July 21, 2010 at 2:48 am

    Dear Rebecca,

    I did not get on my e-mail until today, July 21st so I did not know about the Mother Azna Heart Point technique for physical ailments. Is there any way you could send me a recording of the session even though I did not register because I did not know about it at that time.

    Thank You,

  2. Cindy (in Portland, OR) on July 14, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    Hi Rebecca!

    WOW! I am so very grateful to you and Mother Azna for this call!

    Here are (3) things I want to share with you and all the class:

    (1) Make a tape of the protocols with appropriate spaces for your chanting, so you can easily do this program for yourself.

    (2) Re: the question of Masters Certification in distant locations:
    Have one or more participants gather at a site which has SKYPE, so you can see and hear them, for “in-person” Certification..

    (3) My soul and I ended up kneeling together and hugging.

    Thank you to all the Volunteers for allowing us to “Borrow Benefits.” AWESOME!

    Blessings to us all!

  3. Irina on July 14, 2010 at 9:05 pm

    Can I be a volonteer?

  4. Jenny Botwinick on July 14, 2010 at 8:35 pm

    My dear Rebecca, I am so sorry, but I do no not to right in Inglis,
    To say how much, I love to put my comment. But I no how to read.
    Thank God for that. I love what you doing. God bless you.
    much love. Jenny

    l am Spanish lady

  5. Amanda on July 14, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    Hi Rebecca,

    I am also wondering if we can adapt the physical issues protocols to use for emotional issues.

    I am really looking forward to listening to the replay.

    Thank you for your generosity.

    With blessings and love from Amanda

  6. Sally K on July 14, 2010 at 1:30 pm

    I attended your Mother Azna find your Soul-Mate tele-class last March. I felt a physical shift in my body during the class. Mother Azna is amazing, I love her! 3 days after class, I received a phone call from a man I attended high school with 30 years ago. We never dated in school but were friends. We caught up on things and decided to go on a real “date” the following Saturday night.
    We have been together every day since then and are so much in love and spiritually connected it makes my heart sing. He even gave me a diamond ring -the kind with three diamonds that symbolize “yesterday-today-forever”. I will be on tonight’s call, thanks for the reminder, Rebecca! And, thank you Mother!

  7. Rebekah on July 14, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    Thanks for the opportunity! I would like the transcript as I am unable to be on the call live. This one sounds really healing and insightful so I’m looking forward to being able to listen to the recording later, as well as receive the transcript. Thanks, Rebecca, for all you share with us! Take Care!

  8. soledad on July 13, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    Rebecca thank you! for sharing this whith everyone!

  9. Deborah Babarskas on July 13, 2010 at 11:53 am

    Thank you Rebecca for all you do, I have been meaning to write to you since the last two calls. Right after the call about the weight and abundance I started getting information about opening a quilt shop but it would be a VERY different type of shop. I have been getting all kinds of ideas and have been writing them down as fast as I can. I know to trust that the funds will be there to open this since I have been on disability for 12 years and recently widowed and I no longer own my home. I do know that loving Mother Azna will help me find a way to get this done.

    I could really use some financial help right now so that I can hire someone to help me get everything that needs to be done while I am working on filling orders that are starting to come in .

    The weight issue meditation – I have noticed since doing that one that I have been eating better and walking more or farther. I have been on weight watchers for about 4 years along with my daughters and both of them lost about 125 lbs. EACH. Do to my physical limitations I was not able to work out like they do but I did drop 70, then with everything happening with my husband I put on about 25. I have gotten about 20 of that off but Rebecca I STILL have at least 90 or so lbs to go and I have been stuck at this range of weight for over 2 years. I would LOVE to be one of your volunteers to see if there is something physically wrong that has been holding me back. I am only 56, I’m told that I am very pretty (and I’m tired of hearing “oh you have such a pretty face”), I have been dealing with Thyroid issues for years and finally gave in to taking medication for it after trying to deal with it holistically.

    Yes, I was abused as a child and yes I have been overweight since pre-teen. Yes, I know the connection and realize that as soon as I started getting the attention of the boys is when I started to put the weight on and I have released a ton of those issues so that is why I’m wondering if there is something else going on.

    Thank you for you consideration in the matter. Will be looking forward to hearing from you.

    Bless your Heart for all you do.


    Debbie Babarskas

  10. Lilian on July 13, 2010 at 11:02 am

    Can I use the protocoll for both physical, mental and emotional healing?

    Than You for all your wonderful work!!

    Blessings from a sunny Stockholm

  11. Live Healing with Azna | Rebecca Marina on July 13, 2010 at 9:52 am

    […] Thanks 07/14/2010 Healing service […]

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