Angry & Not Liking it

Dear Mother God,
I have a lot of anger around me I do not understand. I am forgiving myself for all the mistakes.  It seems like a resistance. Can you give me some insight on this?
  Angry and not liking it

Dear Angry and Not Liking it,
 I see you as a very hurt young girl. You turned to anger as a protection mode. This is a perfect setup for the healing technique HPT. (A heart healing technique given through Rebecca to share with you)
Here is a helpful exercise for you.
A. Cradle your heart center; bring energy in from your higher self point (18-24 inches above your head). Run the energy through your crown, 3rd eye, and into your heart.

B. Think about the story of childhood anger, validate that it was real. If you feel like doing some screaming about why you had to develop anger as a protection mode- go ahead. Very healthy for you.

C. Send Light and forgiveness to the situation, the people involved, and even yourself. Cradle the heart center until you feel a shift in energy.

D. Ask that little girl what story she would like to tell now. What key words describe the “better” story?

E. Tap those key words into the occipital point (base of the head where it connects to neck)

F. Tap in those key words as often as you think about them. Be merciful to yourself. Allow yourself to re-connect with the playful child inside. You have suppressed your childhood joy due to being in protection mode, time to let it shine.

I love you, Azna


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  1. Lorraine on October 7, 2009 at 2:31 am

    Dearest Rebecca and Mother God Azna.
    My eyesight is not at it’s best, and I know that I can have perfect eyesight,I am now 48yrs and I have worn glasses since I was 20.
    What can I do to help my eyesight, I have tried affirmations, and sending love to my eyes, is it something I need to release, I have tried remembering what it was that made me wear glasses in the first place, but I just do not remember.
    I love you so, thankyou
    Lorraine in Italy

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