Spirit has given me collosal, mind-blowing information  to teach you.

So much, I don’t know what to offer you first…


Please help by telling me what you want the most.

Below are listed several topics (in no particular order)

In the comment section tell me which 3 appeal to your needs the most and in what order.

Also, tell me what you would be willing to pay for the information. For unique information, it should be a little stretch but not to the point of being uncomfortable. I say this because when I pay for something, I make sure to give it my full attention.

Don’t worry, I will still teach plenty of free stuff and you have access to my “free stuff” page day and night.


A. Is the Poverty Monster Still Chasing you?

You’ve read the books, taken the classes (even some of mine) and you still have setbacks. It seems like you will Never really get free! Sometimes you feel hopeless to ever get where you want to be. You even talk about prosperity and law of attraction all the time and…it just aint workin’ for ya.

After a desperate phone call from a lady who said she had done it all and was still at the end of her rope. I begged (OK Demanded)Spirit to give me an answer. The answer is so powerful it knocked my socks off. I am still reeling and wondering why I never saw this before. This is the missing piece of the prosperity puzzle.

The process is so simple, yet powerful, I can teach you this in 90 minutes.

Vote A if you want this one first and tell me why.

B. Do you feel like a negative vow or curse has you in a strangle hold?

You may have tried to release past life or ancestral vows and curses before and still feel the “negative energy pattern coloring your life”. You will never guess what the solution is…not in a million years. I can guide you in Spirits process and you will be free like you cannot imagine. I can also teach this in 90 mins.

Vote B for this one and tell me why.

C. How to Monetize your gifts and talents.

This class is from the high being of Light Melchizedek. First we will identify what your gifts and talents are. Help you find who needs your gifts and will pay you for them. Help you get the word out to the right market about what you have to offer. (Mel, is still giving me info on this so I can’t describe it properly yet.  Just let me know if the title appeals to you and what else YOU need, Mel, will deliver!)

This will be a 3 week intensive course.

Vote C for this one and tell me why.

D. Change Your Blueprint

This is Mother Azna’s method for changing your blueprint. Classes will have to be very small and the price will be higher. I must be able to have you on the open line so I can hold your energy open and guide you thru this slowly.

This can be very emotional and involves deep trance. I already quite a few votes for this one. This is only for those who are serious about changing their blueprint. Classes will be limited to less than 20 and the price will be pretty high.

Vote D for this one and tell me why.

E. Certified Sexual Abuse Specialist.

This will be an intense 4-6 wk course for those who want to do this as a career. (You will Never run out of clients)

I was molested at 2, fondled by my dads’ preacher buddies as a young girl, raped at 15 (another preacher buddy) and stalked by yet another preacher buddy at 17.  Because of my own pain, I developed the most complete amazing protocol to heal this for good. ( Ever notice I hardly ever mention my own abuse when I am teaching?- Don’t need to…healed it!)

 To be certified in this area, you would learn my extensive, step by step protocol. This was learned out of necessity to save my sanity. After you are certified, I will announce you to my entire list. This certification will not be cheap but it will be reachable and you will have an awesome career.

(This is awesome to heal your own pain and have a step by step manual to help others)

To vote for this chose E and tell me why.

F. Certified in General HPT

Certify in HPT, the healing technique from Mother God Azna. This will be a 3 week course. it will be very low price. There will be other levels and specialties you can take later, after level one.

Vote F for this one and tell me why.

All courses delivered by teleclass- no travel expense!

To cast your vote:

1. Scroll below to leave a comment.

2. Vote for up to 3 topics in the order You would like to have them offered.

3. Tell me why you are attracted to them

4. Tell me what you would be comfortable paying for each one.

5. If NONE of these topics appeal to you, tell me what would appeal to you and why.

***Important! Please tell my WHY you are chosing the topics. If you have any advice on what would make it better for You, please tell me in the comment section.

Posted in


  1. Margaret on May 28, 2009 at 10:37 am

    A. Prosperity Monster. I am generating/manifesting JUST ENOUGH, but sliding backward. Just discovered you. Love your site. Thanks.

  2. How I Lost Thirty Pounds in Thirty Days on May 3, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    Hi, good post. I have been thinking about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your posts.

  3. Suz on April 15, 2009 at 10:53 am

    Hi Rebecca,
    I vote F. I would like to read it as an e-book or course I think because I don’t hook up much to the internet & live abraod so I don’t think it is possible to be a part of a conference call.
    Kind regards,

  4. Rosia Franklin on April 13, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    C, E & F
    These courses are great enhancements to my services. The more people I can help the better!

  5. Parker on April 13, 2009 at 5:50 am

    A: I have taken your 90 min. class on this issue and it is still kicking my backside…literally hurting!

  6. Linda on April 12, 2009 at 3:47 pm

    A Because I “believe” I am clearing all sorts of money issues and still see no evidence to support a change
    C. How to Monetize your gifts and talents. Becasue it links directly to A – I am holding the vision to build a coaching business with the intent to uncover peoples’ dreams/gifts they have buried in the belief that they had to do something else with their lives and as a result their spirits are dying. The next phase would be to discover ways they could use their gifts/talents/dreams while making a living and making a difference. I’m stuck because I do not, at the moment, have sustaining income to build the model. I feel so sure Spirit has guided me to this course of action and am wondering why the “means” to move forward are not materializing.

  7. Anne-Brit on April 12, 2009 at 5:29 am

    B, C, D.
    Thank you for teaching me Aznas song!

  8. Evelyn on April 11, 2009 at 9:45 am

    C and F – it fits into my path right now.

  9. Monique on April 11, 2009 at 4:49 am

    I would choose; A, D, & B.

    A) Obviously, I would pick first because it is especially apt right now with the mass hysteria about financial matters.

    D) I choose second because I believe that it would tie-in nicely after A, so that we can “change our blueprint” for success.

    B), I would choose last, because I’m sure there are many of us who feel that no matter what we do, nothing ever seems to work out for us; as if there is some curse on us. Whatever the case, we may be able to find out if there may really be a curse or if there is some other way we can achieve happiness.

    I’m really not sure what price to put on these important classes since I’m from Australia, I would have to calculate the cost by 1 1/2 times, at least; to get the proper exchange rate. But if I was able to afford it, I would gladly take the classes.

  10. Alexander on April 10, 2009 at 7:24 pm

    F – Would be interesting to be certified in this new system

  11. DK on April 10, 2009 at 4:53 am

    B, C & D

  12. Marilynn on April 9, 2009 at 5:08 pm

    B I think my problem is ancestral. There is definitely a negative energy pattern coloring my life $65.-$75

    A. I love Abraham but there must be something I am doing wrong

    C. I would love to know what my talents and gifts are

  13. blon on April 9, 2009 at 3:19 pm

    A – had big income last week. lost big this week. can’t seem to stabilize it
    F – i would like to be certified by you since this is new and could easily be another stream of income
    C – relates directly to the first two and seems like would be the culmination to make it all happen

    thanks so much for being such an inspiration

  14. Dee on April 9, 2009 at 1:57 pm

    A – My husband/business partner and I have been working to shift the way business is done in this country by creating the Clean Technology Trade Alliance. This organization will support and grow the clean tech businesses that create the most new jobs as well as identify them and broaden the definition to include many businesses that might not have seen themselves a clean tech before. We have given everything we have and have struggled to fundraise enough money to get this started. We’ve been living on the edge for over two years now and while I feel that this is work we are called to do sometimes it just seems like no one really cares if our species becomes extinct because of loss of habitat. We are so close and we keep moving forward, but we can’t survive much longer. We’ve done all the work we can both physical and metaphysical and we are still not getting there.

    C sounds intriguing to me too but I also have no language to describe why at the moment.

    D would probably be the other one I would really engage with.

    I don’t know how to determine what I’d pay for these because at the moment I couldn’t pay anything. And while I’m trying to get past that moment, I’m not there yet. I still feel trapped in that “I need resources to get the resources I need” catch 22.

  15. Cindy on April 9, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    I am very interested in D, your fees are very reasonable and I know you will continue to be. I would also be interested in C.

  16. laara exsnar on April 9, 2009 at 1:24 am

    Adore your classes—however, I must step into abundance before I do anymore—need to get the word out about what I have to offer so am working with Azna to get there–thanks so much.

  17. Jeanne on April 8, 2009 at 11:44 pm

    First off – I adore you. Your voice has been a comfort on many ocassions. I always want to sign up for Sunday telephone conferences, but work nights. Even with the best of intentions, I am just about 3 hours into sleep when they have been scheduled. Thank you, thank you for making some available to listen to afterwards.
    And now the votes are in
    B- past life or ancestral vows and curses before and still feel the “negative energy pattern coloring your life” I definnitely have a frozen or hardened area related to abuse. As much as I forgive childhood abuse, even having love for that parent (knowing that something just awful must have happened…leading to it existing in that adult parent) I still am so slow to trust…and such as that. Too private for this page. I would pay $100.00-$150.00
    D – change your blueprint – interested for same reasons as above. I am stuck somewhere and only progress so far is my relationships with others. I would pay $250.00
    Thank you in advance

  18. Kim on April 8, 2009 at 9:40 am

    Rebecca, I vote for C, D, and E. My reasoning goes like this:

    Topic A – Already done a lot of work around this one, and had some improvement. It’s just not the most pressing thing for me now.
    Topic B – doesn’t apply to me
    Topic C – FInding out what my gifts are and putting them to use is exactly what I want and need.
    Topic D – I would probably like to change my blueprint, but I don’t know exactly what’s in my blueprint.
    Topic E – I know there’s a great need for this.

  19. Deborah on April 8, 2009 at 6:55 am

    A (this shouldnt be a necessary topic if topic C is addressed!)

  20. Gloria on April 7, 2009 at 11:10 pm

    A – I could use some help here.
    C – I am eager to find the answers here, especially since Melchizedek will be helping on this one!

    Thank you for offering these!

  21. Cynara on April 7, 2009 at 9:16 pm

    1. B. Negative Vow or Curse – I feel there are issues from my mother and fathers life that affect me and I would like to be healed of this. $75

    2. C. Change your blueprint – Anything that would help clear emotional issues is very good for me. Price $120

    3. F. Certified in General HPT – I would like to explore and learn more about this healing modality. Price $50-75

    Thank you for this opportunity to choose what would be a good fit for me.

  22. Camille on April 7, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    3 B

    Money seems to be the big one for me -and figuring out how to make a living at what I love.

  23. Elys Brewda on April 7, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    1:A 2:D 3:F


  24. Elys Brewda on April 7, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    1:A 2:D 3:F


  25. Mabel Janice Jordan on April 7, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    1. Is Poverty Monster Still Chasing You? – no matter what I do and my heart is in it, I still can’t seem to attract even the things that are essential.
    2. Negative Vow or Curse is Upon Me – I feel but I don’t know if it is a belief/perception and/or a lie I have been believing–about what my Father exposed me to.
    3. Certified in General HPT – it is a healing modality that I would like to get more comfortable with where my intuition takes over

  26. D. on April 7, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    Hello Rebecca,

    B is my answer. I feel as though I am on the edge of a storm that I have passed through and can not get out of. I feel that I only have a few feet to go and just seem to be pushed back into it. I have been in this storm sine 2001. Lose of jobs and depletion of all my savings. I’m working with friends to build the enrollment numbers of our online high school that we start ed 1 year ago after losing our jobs. Even this has it’s moments of hope but then it too is stiffled by some excuse. Please help me find get to the sunshine and the “Peace of mind” state.

  27. D. on April 7, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    Hello Rebecca,

    B is my answer. I feel as though I am on the edge of a storm that I have passed through and can not get out of. I feel that I only have a few feet to go and just seem to be pushed back into it. I have been in this storm sine 2001. Lose of jobs and depletion of all my savings. I’m working with friends to build the enrollment numbers of our online high school that we start ed 1 year ago after losing our jobs. Even this has it’s moments of hope but then it too is stiffled by some excuse. Please help me find get to the sunshine and the “Peace of mind” state.

  28. Linda prenoveau on April 7, 2009 at 1:54 pm

    I have Internet only at work and I work only 3 days a week, so for me an audio recording is the ideal solution.
    I would like, in order:
    B – because I really feel stuck, I want to better myself and my life, but I seem to be lazy or to not want to change… (57$)
    A – the money monster is friendlier but not completely yet (27$)
    C, D, F all seem interesting, but too scary for me right now.
    I love Azna, don’t know Mel yet.
    I appreciate your devotion to humanity , Rebecca.

  29. Marian on April 7, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    A: Poverty Monster
    If I could get rid of this one, I could afford to do all your classes I love your teachings…

    C: Monetize Gifts and Talents
    I do need to identify what I REALLY want to do before I can apply myself to doing it. And it would be awesome to have help finding who needs what I can do and is happy to pay me for the privilege…

    E. Certified Sexual Abuse Specialist
    I definitely want to know more about this because, although I have done a lot of work on myself, I’m not entirely convinced I’m completely over being abused and its repercussions. I guess all of these things have a kind of cyclical effect on each other. I’d love to be completely free of any related issues and also be able to help others get ‘free’ too…

    My ability to pay is limited by my lack of available cash as I am not working due to chronic fatigue – probably caused by consequences of abuse and a rather stress-filled life:-) But I’m sure I’m not going to be in this position for ever so please can you keep me posted?

  30. Marian on April 7, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    A: Poverty Monster
    If I could get rid of this one, I could afford to do all your classes I love your teachings…

    C: Monetize Gifts and Talents
    I do need to identify what I REALLY want to do before I can apply myself to doing it. And it would be awesome to have help finding who needs what I can do and is happy to pay me for the privilege…

    E. Certified Sexual Abuse Specialist
    I definitely want to know more about this because, although I have done a lot of work on myself, I’m not entirely convinced I’m completely over being abused and its repercussions. I guess all of these things have a kind of cyclical effect on each other. I’d love to be completely free of any related issues and also be able to help others get ‘free’ too…

    My ability to pay is limited by my lack of available cash as I am not working due to chronic fatigue – probably caused by consequences of abuse and a rather stress-filled life:-) But I’m sure I’m not going to be in this position for ever so please can you keep me posted?

  31. Kate Maxwell-Stephens on April 7, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    Hi rebecca:

    i am interested in A C F. All of these would benefit me and my business.

  32. Lance Shoring on April 7, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Hi Rebecca …is it possible to have these and others avaliable transcript , i find it some of this stuff is overwhelming. I like to read it over and over to make sense to me..thank you lance

  33. Lance Shoring on April 7, 2009 at 12:36 pm

    Hi Rebecca …is it possible to have these and others avaliable transcript , i find it some of this stuff is overwhelming. I like to read it over and over to make sense to me..thank you lance

  34. Jennine on April 7, 2009 at 11:29 am

    I would like the certified HPT course, because it is of great interest, and it will be the start of all the rest!

  35. Eva on April 7, 2009 at 11:28 am

    Dear Mother Azna, dear Rebecca!

    My wish is:

    and all other are very interesting.

    With blessings,

  36. Eva on April 7, 2009 at 11:28 am

    Dear Mother Azna, dear Rebecca!

    My wish is:

    and all other are very interesting.

    With blessings,

  37. Willy A.C. on April 7, 2009 at 8:01 am

    Hi Rebecca,
    Briefly: everything you are offering these days is interesting, both the free and the non-free classes. Your fees are extremely reasonable. Your so human and compassionate approach makes your readers want to open your emails, and absorb their contents.
    I am happy with everything that your creative (and spiritual) brain comes up with and a mother Azna & HPT fan (dealing with the 12 human chakra’s.

    Yours sincerely, (sans cera = no wax = real,genuine, nothing fake
    (added to fill cracks in works of sculpturing art)

    Willy A.C. Holmes-Spoelder
    Fethiye – Muğla – Turkey
    Multi Dimensional Kinesiologist
    Orthomolecular Nutritional Medicine Consultant

  38. Kelly McDonough on April 7, 2009 at 5:22 am

    B – negative energy patterns are colouring my life and EFT is working to release those patterns however I am still stuck on moving forward when it comes to being free of self-doubt.

    C – not sure what my gifts and talents are. I have a deep compassion for people in need and would love to be an EFT practitioner and feel confident in sharing my gifts and talents once I am clear about what they are

    F – I have downloaded your HPT short tutorial and would love to learn more about this wonderful healing technique to get in touch with my heart space in a more profound way

    I am from Australia so I would be paying more than people attending from America. It really depends how long each teaching would take to complete and how flexible the sessions are.

    I have tried your opening the third eye teleclass and a meditation you posted and I am inspired by learning more.

    Love and light

  39. Wairata on April 7, 2009 at 5:15 am

    Hi Rebecca,
    Its Wairata here i have chosen topic A i would love to be free from the shackles of just getting by from one payday to the next.
    i’m not sure how much to pay either i need your help on that one.
    Topic B Negative enrgies around me all the time or is it me attracting them be nice to rid myself of them
    Topic c. I love this people are drawn to me for my kindness in helping them i am an early childhood teacher i know i have physic talents but dont know where to start well not sure
    Can you give me a price please Rebecca. You are a very talented lady and i know i will benefit from your help and teachings.
    God Bless you and your family

  40. Wairata on April 7, 2009 at 5:15 am

    Hi Rebecca,
    Its Wairata here i have chosen topic A i would love to be free from the shackles of just getting by from one payday to the next.
    i’m not sure how much to pay either i need your help on that one.
    Topic B Negative enrgies around me all the time or is it me attracting them be nice to rid myself of them
    Topic c. I love this people are drawn to me for my kindness in helping them i am an early childhood teacher i know i have physic talents but dont know where to start well not sure
    Can you give me a price please Rebecca. You are a very talented lady and i know i will benefit from your help and teachings.
    God Bless you and your family

  41. Silvia on April 7, 2009 at 3:04 am

    If you can do a class to really believe deep inside my that “I am good enouth” , “I have something valuable to give to others” , “I can be paid for that I gave to others with love” , “I am capable to help others”, “I can have enouh money”, “I can give something to others rigth now, no need to be perfect to be valuable”

    And please ask azna if there is a way to be bold, to have courage to start new things or simple to live.

    Thank you for you guidance

  42. Silvia on April 7, 2009 at 2:55 am

    A- to have enough money to pay for my education without suffering to not pay my regular expenses (house, doctors, food). I have not enough is my strong challenge

    C- I can simple not accep deep in my soul that I can be paid for something I enjoy. (Money is only clean when you do a hard and unpleasant work to gain it). It is allways so dificult to us and If it is easy and fun , Why paid you to do it? Family sayings

    F- Is a super easy painless tool to help handicaped and cronical childs ( i am dedicated my free time to theirs these last 10 years) to make their lifes worth living. I want to learn use and teach properly that tool.

    D – I really want to help people to overcome past abuses and let them live with confidence and joy.

  43. Ziji Salaam on April 7, 2009 at 1:20 am

    Hey Rebecca – wasn’t able to narrow this down to just three unless you break it into money and income, Sexual Abuse and HPT.

    Hope you are well any happy.

    A. Is the Poverty Monster Still Chasing you? YES YES YES – my j.o.b. is secure, but paid by medicade, who just seem to deny claims at will. Hence we are behind in mortgage and car payments. I need this in the bionic version. Would be able to pay the regular class rate for this. Like being able to get recoding separate, so I can split payment.
    B. Yes! Feel like the curse is my ancestor Nano Nagle – who was the founding Mother of the Presentation Sisters – she did great work for the Catholic children in Ireland – educating them etc. However she did it at the expense of the family fortune. Doing Good Work =Poverty ;~{
    C. Yes – belief is – everyone says they love what I do, but they don’t want to pay me for it. Reality – I have sliding scale – which I present apologetically – when client wanted to pay me the top of the scale I felt guilty. Belief – I can’t make a living with the kind of writing I am good at. Too many talents can’t focus on the one.
    D. YES – See above and some. Price – would need shift in AB&C to pay what this is worth. $500
    E. YES! I do this work anyway, would love to have more tools and welcome healing more of my story. Great for my vision of working with LGBT community. As for cost see D.
    F. YES YES YES – Love HPT with EFT – using it already. Want to get deeper, embodied insight into process

    Sending you blessings and peace


  44. Teide on April 7, 2009 at 1:02 am

    A: I have always been able to manifest money…that is, until the last 2 years, now something is blocking and this might be the help I need!!
    C: I would like to work on my gifts and talents.
    D: Sounds very interesting and I am ready to move to the next level.

  45. Lance Shoring on April 6, 2009 at 10:50 pm

    Hi..Thanks for all your help and advice ….God bless you

    1 st A — we are all shorth on this

    2nd B — general interest

    3rd — C — i still do not know what i wanna be when i grow up ( 51 y) old …ha..ha ..ha

    Cost ..around 40 – 60 …since most of us want to take at least 3 classes

  46. Brenda Randel on April 6, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    1st – C – I need help overcoming confidence blocks.
    2nd – B
    3rd. – F
    4th – D
    Thank you for the opportunity to give input.

  47. Brenda Randel on April 6, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    1st – C – I need help overcoming confidence blocks.
    2nd – B
    3rd. – F
    4th – D
    Thank you for the opportunity to give input.

  48. Marjorie on April 6, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    All look fab!



    Seem to have the most interest for me now!
    Thanks for all your great information!

  49. Awilda on April 6, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    Nothing that I have tried works!

  50. Evelyn on April 6, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    I vote for C..YES!
    Lot of ideas and talents, but I am no even close to Jack of All Trades, just a plain 8:30 – 9:00 job! I want to earn money thru internet and special projects.

    and I also vote for A… still on a tight budget. I want to trilpe my income.

  51. Evelyn on April 6, 2009 at 7:22 pm

    I vote for C..YES!
    Lot of ideas and talents, but I am no even close to Jack of All Trades, just a plain 8:30 – 9:00 job! I want to earn money thru internet and special projects.

    and I also vote for A… still on a tight budget. I want to trilpe my income.

  52. Nichole on April 6, 2009 at 7:05 pm

    A. – Yep, I am one of those that have done the classes, do the work, even teach about manifesting…it seems for me whenever my income increases the required outgo meets it. I would love to say it is from frivolous spending and it is not. For example, from when I first learned EMW my income has technically more then doubled…great!…and the size of my family has tripled – putting back into the same financial crunch.

    E. – Would love to add this into my doula work. What a great gift to offer women beginning their journey into motherhood. Healing the trauma from abuse can make such a huge difference in a birth experience.

    F. – Would love to be able to offer HPT to clients in my blossoming energy practice.

    To put a price on these potential classes is difficult. I believe their value is so much more than I could afford to pay right now and I find it embarrassing to not be able to afford what I think their value would be. $35.00, $300.00 and $150.00 – I just priced myself out of all but the first class – 🙂 – but those are the numbers that came to me.

    Many blessings Rebecca. You are truly an Angel.

  53. Jeanne on April 6, 2009 at 6:13 pm

    I vote for E, B, and A in that order.
    E because I have been looking for an answer to this kind of trauma for years. Not just for myself, but for others. I know that sexual abuse is rampant in this country and would like to be part of the solution. Why is it that preachers are so likely to rape or abuse?

    B because this is a major component in freeing yourself

    A because..well, duh

  54. Marie on April 6, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    B and C appeal to me in this order.
    B because I recently started a healing practice and would like to pick things up . Would Pay $222 for it
    C this might appeal to me if I had a little more information on it.
    Not sure what I would pay for it until I had a little more information about what is involved.

    Voting for F and no travel expenses!

  55. Renee on April 6, 2009 at 5:15 pm

    Hi Rebecca,

    While I would be interested in all of these classes, I have to vote for A, B, & C (probably in that order too!). I am interested in learning these wonderful healing modalities and in helping others, but I feel that I need to work on myself first before I could really be of assistance to anyone else.
    A & B – As unhappy as I am in my current situation, I still manage to keep myself “stuck” there with my debt level. I also feel some days like the more positive I try to be, the more old, hurtful memories surface.
    C I have no idea what my talents really are. I was very creative as a child, but seem to have shut that off somehow.
    As far as pricing, you always price your classes reasonably (or better!) and they are usually priceless:)
    Thank you for sharing all that you do with us, Rebecca.

  56. Sharon on April 6, 2009 at 5:00 pm

    Definitely A!!!!!!! All my life I have struggled to just stay above water and not drown. Lost my house 2 years ago along with my job. I was heartbroken. I am now on social security at the youngest age. The problem is I can’t afford housing along with my bills. I have asked Mother God on several occassions for help but to no avail. I raised 4 kids on my own after a divorce at 38 and did OK. Now children are grown and I’m next to homeless. When is this going to stop.

  57. Elizabeth on April 6, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    B and C seem like good ones. I think it would be nice to know how to overome negativity and maximize your true potential.

  58. Trish on April 6, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    A- Is a must at this time for me
    B- I was told by a Psychic that a very bad woman put a spell on our family years ago
    D-Change your blue print

    Thank you!

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