Tainted Aura?
Dear Azna,
I attended a very interesting lecture by Dr Lucia Cappichione who spoke of an experiment done by one of her colleagues. In the experiment special aura cameras were set up in a room full of specially selected participants. Some of these people were suffering severe depression and/or mental problems while others were in a healthy emotional state.
The aura cameras showed that most of the depressed individuals had dark gray or “muddy” auras. None of the participants knew what was going on; the session lasted several hours. What is interesting to note is that the darker auras of the depressed/ disturbed individuals began to invade the auras of the healthy people and taint the healthy auras with a “bleeding in” effect.
My question is this…
How can those of us who have family members suffering from chronic depression, chronic anger issues, or constant victimhood show love but protect out own auras from becoming sucked into a downward vortex?
Wants to do the right thing in Texas.
Dear “Wants to do the right thing in Texas”.
I am so glad this situation is coming up for you because it is a real opportunity for true understanding. When you have a family member suffering these conditions it can be confusing. You want to help and you feel guilty because you can’t seem to “move the energy” no matter what you do.
Some of you are not going to like what I have to say…
Realize that your family member has somehow opened the door for denser energies to manipulate and hold them captive. Of course, they never do this on purpose but it does happen more frequently than you know. When they seek help, the issue can be resolved but often they stay stuck and do not seek the right kind of help.
Because you are the one noticing this problem You have the Power of Spiritual Authority to protect yourself and the rest of the family while still sending love to the victim.
Send out waves of love and understanding to this person. Understand this though; this person has opened their energy field to the denser energies. You cannot force your family member to accept spiritual, emotional help. You can have a conversation with the darker energies and let them know the feeding frenzy is over!
Aura Protection Exercise:
Go to the heart (activate the HPT points) and fill your heart with Divine Love. Imagine an explosion of light outwards cleansing your own auric field. Seal your aura with the full spectrum of God’s holy Light. Imagine a sign above your head flashing, “No feeding Zone”.
Do this by proxy for all who live in the house with you. Stand in the place of spiritual authority and recognize the denser energies for what they are. Keep sending waves of love and understanding to your depressed/disturbed family member.
You can also do the aura protection exercise on behalf of the victim if you feel guided. After all, they are most certainly being ‘fed upon’. Which causes them to seek replinishment on an energetic level.
You will be surprised at how quickly the depressed/disturbed person decides to seek real help when you discontinue their energetic food source. This method applies to someone who has chronic depression, chronic victimhood, etc.
(For someone who is temporally going through a hard time, depression, or mental issue, they usually do not set up “feeding habits”.)
How can you tell if someone is draining you or tainting your auric field?
When you interact with the person most of the time do you feel
A. Better
B. The same
C. Worse
If you feel worse after interaction on an ongoing basis, it is time for you to stand in a place of spiritual authority and do the “aura protection exercise”.
Do Not Be Afraid to be a person of spiritual authority. Too long have you allowed the denser energies rule you or affect you. This is NOT what I want for my children.
If a problem comes to your awareness and it is affecting you, then you have the spiritual authority to take command of it.
If no one ever stands up to the denser energies that attack us or our loved ones then the “aura tainting” will go on and on. When you take your place as a person of spiritual authority your light is far-reaching. Simply accepting that you are endowed with spiritual authority is enough to make it so. You can have all the light you can hold. There is no limit.
I know this is a very strong teaching and I invite you to leave comments that I will answer through Rebecca. She was cringing a little the whole time I was asking her to write this because she knows this may spark controversy and Rebecca likes everything to be all sunshine and roses.
Leave your comments and questions and I will ask Rebecca to answer in the next few days.
I just want to be strong, to be free and to realize the spiritual authority that you have. You do not have to be tossed around by every invading energy on the block when you accept your divine authority.
Note: we are not putting down anyone who is suffering a depressed/disturbed condition. This teaching will actually help them because you will know how to protect yourself and be stronger. If you continue to allow them to drain you how can you continue to help them? Ignoring being drained will cause you to come to the end of your rope energetically and sink into despair yourself.
All of you know of someone in your life who drains you. Maybe they don’t live with you but you can still protect your self. Wake up and see with spiritual eyes.
I love you and call you to this place of power, Azna
thank you — great article — i request body and aura cleansing for my child whom i love
Love the response given by Mother God. Thank-you
My Niece recently felt dark energies and I gave her similar advice.
“Imagine a light switch in your chest and flip it on” You can make the light fill your body or the room even the entire house, car etc.
I also find that eating LIVE FOOD helps with depression and gives energy. I have a juicer so apples, oranges, pineapple are very delicious and alive. If you don’t have a juicer just eat them. I have played with Kirlian photography a little and found that my “intention” to be surrounded and/or filled with Gods light drastically changed my aura so much they had to back the camera up 3 feet to get the white light in the photo.
Love & Gratitude
Thank you Rebbeca & Mother Azna also each one of you your comments are such a blessing the prayer and the one about we all are one.I spent 15 years keeping my husband out of a nursing home also a father my energy is still drained.Knowing God has a perfect plan for my life and a purpose ,I continue to learn and appreciate all of the teachers,be well.
Dear Mother & Rebecca,
Thank you..thank you..thank you.. for this empowering insight of healing and dealing with others.
“Spiritual authority vs. Consent of the other” made me think again..
Mother Azna..this is a very powerful statement when you say that this way..!
Thank you for empowering us to do the most loving thing and most powerful thing!!
Love and Blessings
“No Feeding Zone” is great or any energy technique that produces the same effect .
Another important factor that harmonizes the above is by balancing the energy technique with a down to earth action.
Giving a fish oil supplement( check at the pharmacy for a good grade fish oil not cod liver oil) does work wonders for a person with depression, or with children with behavioural disorders.
warm regards
“No Feeding Zone” is great or any energy technique that produces the same effect .
Another important factor that harmonizes the above is by balancing the energy technique with a down to earth action.
Giving a fish oil supplement( check at the pharmacy for a good grade fish oil not cod liver oil) does work wonders for a person with depression, or with children with behavioural disorders.
warm regards
THANK YOU Mother Azna, for pushing the envelope on this issue!! I have a question concerning dark forces and … sex. Is it possible for someone who gets into a state of unhappiness to also take in dark energies concerning sex?? My life partner went from being kind and gentle and loving to what feels like dark energy and sex addiction behavior to the point that I cannot breathe in his energy much less have sex with him in this energy.
I am not sure if I have moved beyond this relationship and need to break it of or if there is hope to rekindle the soul mate energy and get rid of this thick dark energy that has invaded our loving home and ruining our relationship.
Thank you so kindly, I look forward to your answer.
Thankyou Mother Azna and Rebecca. I have had the experience myself of being in a low state and attracting “denser energies’. My symptoms were magnified enormously and I had a distinct sense that the feelings were ‘not me’. Now I give myself Light and Love and the transformation is miraculous. Aura protection and strengthening are so important.
Thank you mother Azna and Rebecca, I think you saved so many peoples sanity. You get sucked in by you family mambers if you want or not. I do know, they can’t nothing for having depression or some have so much anger but you just can’t make them understand that they need help, you can go out of you skin and it does not change a bit. I have my share of that thank Universe behind me and I am so glad that many people now have understanding how to protect them self. It is a blessing to have Rebecca to comunicate mother Azna’s advice.
Thank’s Rebecca again for all you work.
Love and Blessings
Dear Rebecca,
Here’s some “sunshine and roses” for you for bringing this information into the Light of understanding. As always, Mother Azna has made it perfectly clear what we should do for ourselves and to help others.
Thank you so much for being open to HER Divine Guidance to Bless the world and for having the courage to write what you receive!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE HPT!!! Thank you to Mother Asna and Rebecca!
Hugs and Blessings,
“I AM”
This is great. I was always fighting people who were draining me. With this…it is fantastic…I feel like I have trown a millions tones of mud away from me. Thank thank thank you
This is a good topic and I agree with the advise given. I once lived in a house that was like a ‘feeding zone.’ There were many roomates living there and everyone who wasn’t aware of this ‘feeding zone’ situation was effected very soon upon entering the place.
My husband is one of those people that pollutes the air with his negative energy and constant anger or depression. Thank you for sharing this!
Dear Rebecca!
Thank you for brining this message. I have a family member that has been angry and depressed for years and tends to bring me down. Now I have another tool to deal with this and I really appreciate it. You may want to bring only happy things to us. But, now you have made another avenue with Azna to help a group of people to be happy that may not have ever been able to otherwise.
Happiness comes in many ways!
Thank you again!
Carol Krause
Carrollton, TX
Hey Rebecca and AZNA!
I have been experience this exact thing showing up and HPTing and AVANAing and all those other fabulous tools to get to how to best serve in this situation. So for one, thanks for the validation and Kick Ass way of putting it! I love and accept the Divine appointment of Spiritual Authority and although I can still hear those wee small voices chatting away in my subconscious I know in my heart that is why I am here.
Bless you for putting it out there in a “get your attention” way.
Bless you Rebecca for speaking your guidance,even if it may be uncomfortable. I am learning to, sugar coating it may not always be the way it needs to be said. A lesson I am pushing through myself in my readings, coaching and spiritual counseling session.
It makes me think of throwing my leg over my Harley and letting Spirit guide me sometimes through the ROAR!
Love, Teri!
Blessing and Peace are sent to you all today…
I understand what has been said and i do agree for it’s very true
misery loves misery and the feeding continues.
When in this state.., the process is difficult for them as choosing to stay in this zone has the effect of becoming comfortable for them as they know that someone will make them feel a little better… sadly
We as family, friends have a caring nature so we try to help even unconsciously as we believe that we can help cure or make them better because we love them so much and care what is happening
How many times has moaning minni said to you “oh!! i felt really down and i thought about you and do you know what!!! i felt a bit better” so i know what to do when i feel a bit blue !!!
“think of you”
when you ask when was this it always coincide with when you felt drained or angry/tired for no reason
By following what has been set… by the wonderful Azna ‘bless you’ ( plus thank you Rebecca for being brave to post this)
We are being shown that love is the Key
You do this for your self which in turn has a wonderful domino effect on others by taking care of your self you empower yourself to be more and the more we become the more we embrace
I have often wondered if i was doing the ‘right thing’ as i always ask for light to go round my home my children my self for protection ( it’s funny how we get shown the answer to our questions)
I’m smiling because i appreciate this gift you have given us all and from today i know i am going to enjoy the effect it is going to have
Truth truth truth.
I have been on both ends…
Its so good when you learn not to feed another energetically…
And it is a beautiful thing when you learn to recognize when you are draining the energy of others.
It’s a little bit like being an alcoholic.
Ok its just like being an alcoholic.
Its an energetic black hole. And the only way out is through love, for yourself and for those who seek to- or you seek to – drain.
Standing in a place of divine spiritual love and holding your own power- without allowing a drain, or feeding another, is the most loving thing you can do for any other soul.
One day we all will stand together, and it will be so very sweet.
Great insight!
This is great! I Love the prayer! Thank you for sharing…
Thank you so much for sharing! I am so glad to see you did follow your friends advice tho…Love and Blessings, Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. You are beautiful, filled with light. This is a great “tap” to fill myself with love instead of feeling enraged, taking everything personnally. It is totally freeing, direct and quick. Thank you for sharing Mother AZNA. I also applaud Sandra, Mary and Lillie. Blessings to all.
I agree with Mother Azna. I understand what the other person is saying about “labelling” energies, however that doesn’t stop the invasion from happening. If the procedure she describes is done with love, it helps the whole family. I did it immediately, and felt the difference. Why do I feel intellectually that this is right? Read the following:
The Law of One
We are all one.
When one is harmed, all are harmed.
When one is helped, all are healed.
Therefore, in the name of who I AM,
and I am one with all;
I ask that ONLY That WHICH IS THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL CONCERNED happen here and now, and through all time and space.
I give thanks that this is done.
Thank you for that “Tainted Aura” article. I smile now while reading it, because I had experienced it VERY severely in the past 6 months. I have just escaped a household of a person who was doing this to me..I moved in with this friend to have a place to live while I got back on my feet as I had lost my job when the company I worked for went under.
For the 6 months I lived there I was getting more and more bogged down and it seemed that my stay would drag on for much longer if I had let it…Instead of feeling I had lots of great free time to look at my life and where I would go next etc…I got more and more depressed and tired and feeeling really ill at times. I cried a lot . Worst of all – Nothing I tried to do bore fruit, and I became increasingly isolated from people, and lonely and feeling lethargic – tired all the time.
Not a single real job offer was presented to me in those 6 months and I had problems and negative experiences with people in ways I am not used to..
..I mean we all go through rough patches , but I am a person who is used to that eventually things fall into place in a good way.
Already I had instinctively started avoiding being in the same room for long with the person I lived with. I began going to my room early with excuses instead of watching TV..something that he was not happy with,.
In the end I gave in to some advice from someone who told me that my life would not get better until I got out of that house — and finally I decided to believe it could be true – and last week I moved out .
Can you believe it? 2 days after I moved I had 4 job offers – people calling me up all in the same day almost – I have had wonderful people approach me with positive offers of friendship and help and support – All in a matter of days of leaving.
I did not know how to protect myself although it was explained to me – I had been told that this person in the house with me was having a detrimental effect on me and my energy field – and that my life would NOT get better until I moved out, I simply could not believe it .
Now it seems that it was a real explanation for my “bad luck” and loss of energy. I cannot wait to see what happens in my life now..It can only get better!
Well, I certainly believe it now and especially after reading the “Tainted Aura”article – I can almost visualise the energy in the house I just left…I would be happy to hear more about what you all know..I can just explain what it felt like: Like energy being drained from you body and no amount of sleep being enough!
Hello, and as always, Rebecca and Azna, thank you for your words of healing and light.I would like to add to the dialogue, that it is important, from my perspective, to be very conscious when using terms such as ‘darker energies’ ‘people who drain us’ etc. It is very easy for our separated self to want to remove ourselves from anything we feel uncomfortable with.In actuality, it it those things that we deem as being hurt, wounded,vile, corrupt, dark, that are asking to be let into your Heart of Love. Do you doubt the power of your Heart of Love to dissolve all darkness? That, then is where to put your attention, your focus, your energy…. strengthening your Heart of Love (your Christ, your True self, your Higher Power etc) so that you can stand firm within it and offer love. I have heard a story of a young monk who was standing with a teacher recieving instruction about a particular meditation. In this practice, the monks envision taking all of the darkness, disease etc out of the person and calling it into their own heart.In fear, the young monk asks ‘What if the darkness moves into my being?’ Unshaken, his teacher replied, ‘Then you will know it is working’ .
I am not saying we can always manage this high ideal. I encounter situations regularily that I know I am unable or ill eqipped to deal with,so I send love, and do some inner work learning about why I was frightened or repulsed etc. I am just cautioning against labeling and withdrawing from those who possibly, need our love the most.
Much Love and Light, Lesley
I thanks to Mother AZNA, and Rebecca Marina, for that help about chronic depression, one of my grandchildren 20 years old is suffering it. Everything that I do has not results. Maybe I didn’t protected me correctly, and that energy comes to me and took my energy. I’ll try to do it better. Thanks for everything.
Sandra Urena
March 28, 2009 11:20 p.m. Alemania,
Two things I learned long ago in energy healing was to protect yourself with prayer before you start working on someone and to close your empathic center.
The empathic center is at the crown of the head and opens and shuts like an iris of a camera. Most sensitive people walk around with it wide open. If you put your hand over that area, you will feel energy. Just picture it closing.up like an iris and when you put your hand back, you won’t feel energy there. This is also great advice for clients who “feel” everybody’s everything 🙂
The prayer we always say before doing any energy healing, process, etc. is:
The Light of God surrounds me.
The Love of God enfolds me.
The Power of God protects me.
The Presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is. So be it!
I find that my own daughter tends to drain my energy. I cannot help but wonder if I have trained her to do this since I have caught myself being pretty negative to the point I notice and ask myself, “What are you doing?”
It seems like a part of myself is intentionally driving people away.
Is there a way I can help us both to be more clear, probably starting with myself?
I love this!!! Like Lillie I cracked up with the “no feeding zone” and I also feel it is a very powerful command.
The idea of having ‘spiritual authority’ is extremely empowering and actually made me feel stronger right in the moment of reading this phrase.
I have been an intutive counselor for over 20years and I always have to protect myself.
I learn so much from Mother Azna and you, Rebecca. Thank you and Love and blessings to you both
Well thank you Mother Azna !! What a wonderful technique to use to protect our aura’s, and I too LOVE the “No Feeding Zone”.
For those of us who work with energy daily as a practice, or those of us who also teach energy healing modalities, the most important thing we need to know to do is both keep ourselves grounded and cleared of the energy of others which can clearly be viewed as “attachments” by those who have opened their third eye and can actually view energy attachments on a person. So the need to keep our auras protected at all times is vital.
Often when I speak to new students about these things, and they are not usually covered fully in any student manuals, it is up to each individualt teacher to expound on those vital subjects a bit more…some look at me like I have a fork stuck in my forehead, lol.
But later, after they become more aware of the energy of those around them, and especially those closest to them, they often relay back that they felt like someone put a drain tube into them and sucked them dry. At that point, they then usually understand what I was trying to teach.
And this is a wonderful easy technique to use for just that purpose.
Thank you, Mother Azna, and Thank you, Rebecca & btw, I love your HPT 🙂
Interesting and insightful-not really controversial to me, but I do have a different insight that I believe can have the same result.
I love the teachings of Abraham and have found that using their “game” of “List of positive aspects,” very helpful in raising my vibration, which, in turns, raises other peoples’ vibrations. When I am having difficulty with someone (whether because they are depressed or negative in some way), I take responsibility (vibrationally) for my role in that. I know I attracted it. I am noticing it, but I brought that to myself.
So, if I can move myself into a more loving place about them, finding the things that I really appreciate about them (instead of the things that are draining me, pulling me down, or making me upset), I raise my own vibration in doing so and they “miraculously” get better (or) they go away.
All of this is done through love and always with the purpose of joy.
I just cracked up when I read No Feeding Zone. I loved that! I have always worked with building shields, filters to keep that energy away and if that failed, various types of energy cleansing.
That is so much faster and so much more direct. I’m going to set up my intention that my business be a No Feeding Zone. Then I can just forget about the other and reinforce it occassionally.
Thanks for that.