Crying Deeply with Pain

Dear Azna,

I want to know from Azna, why do I don’t get any change in my economic situation.
I’m sure that there are too many people who has been practicing meditation, EFT etc. and just little, but really little changes happen in their lives. I know that this subject doesn’t compare with that horrible tragedy in Myanmar and China.

Sorry for asking about that but I’m desperate, I’m crying deeply with pain in my chest while I’m writing this. SOOOOORRRYYY for asking about such a thing like that, maybe I’m doing that only to feel better. Anyway I’m very grateful for you reading this mail.

Sadly… Isabel.

Dearest Isabel,

Your letter has the seeds to your own answers.

You say “just little changes happen in their lives”… Most good things start with very little changes. The universe will send you a “very little change” and see what you do with it. If you look at it as “so small to be insignificant”…then it will become even smaller.
If you look at any change as being “small but could grow larger”, then it shall be so.

The desperate energy you feel is blocking the abundance that wants to get through to you. Start right now from where you are and make a decision to feel as good as you can right where you are. Are there any positive things you could shift your focus to?

Please do the exercise Rebecca has created just for times like these.

Rebecca’ s Everyday Videos

(scroll down to 7th video for “desperation”)

Know this my child, I love you. I want to help with your situation. Even I cannot get through a huge wall of hopelessness. Ask me to help with your hopelessness first. Start right where you are and don’t beat yourself up for feeling like you do.

Things are scheduled to get better for you very soon- give yourself permission to let it happen by feeling as good as you can. A “little bit of change” to the positive can do a HUGE amount of opening the door to abundance.

I love you, ask me to help you. I can do nothing unless you ask.


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