Can we create a Gateway to the Light?

Dear Azna,

Would you direct me/us in how to help those spirits/souls that abruptly popped
out of their bodies and perhaps do not know they are not living or what is going on.
There are so many of them.

May we create a gateway to the light with our angels and call to those in spiritual shock to take them to a loving place of healing.

Thank You,

Sara H.

Dear Sara,

How lovely of you to ask this question… Everyone can learn to do this work, however; there are those who feel it in their hearts more so than others. Yes, many souls are in shock and do not realize they are no longer mortal. If you feel the call of this work in your heart ask and I will send a whole troop of angels and helpers to help you.

Do not attempt to do this type of work unless you yourself are very well grounded and emotionally stable.

To help a particular spirit go to the light:

Go within and ask your heart if you are grounded and centered enough to do this work at this time. If you feel a “no” then simply pray that the spirit gets the help they need- it does NOT have to be you. I am very concerned about your state and want this to a pleasurable experience for you and not one of obligation.

If your heart says “YES” then proceed.

Keep in mind, this process is for those spirits that are simply “lost” and confused. There are other spirits earthbound because of their personal reasons and you should not interfere with them. They will find their way when they are ready- it is not your job to save anybody that does not want help.

Call in all your own angels and guides. Call in my team of spiritual helpers.
Focus on the person- call their name if you know it. Simply tell them, “You are loved, look to the light and go to it” if they are ready, my team will swoop in to get their attention on the Light.

Once again, not all spirits are ready to go to the light- some have unfinished business and you have no business to interfere. That is why it is imperative that you be grounded, emotionally stable, and feel it in your heart to do this work.

Ask your heart with every single case you want to help with.

The only obligation you have to help with is… helping your own spirit grow.

I love you, Azna

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