My Career After Baby Arrives?

Dear Azna and Rebecca

Before I begin, I wanted to thank you again (and Rebecca!) for blessing me with a healthy pregnancy, since as soon as I followed Rebecca’s advice for praying to you, I was pregnant a couple weeks later! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

Now I’m wondering what I should do about my career after my baby arrives. I really want to stay home and we could just barely afford it if I quit, but would it be better for me to try to work out a telecommuting type situation with my current job? Although I like my job okay, I’ve also been wanting to move forward into some type of healing career, such as art therapy or music therapy. Or perhaps do freelance work using my design skills to help promote other healers. Is now the time to start focusing on that instead?

Thanks so much for all your love and support,

Jaimie (and baby)

Dear Jamie,

You will be a most wonderful mother. Much of what you have been through in life has prepared you to be especially creative with balancing work and motherhood.

Keep your present job as long a you feel comfortable. It will become more and more clear to you that your unique talents could be put to better use in a business of your own.

You do have the self discipline skills to create your own business using the talents you already have. Here is a plan of action for you:

A. Be grateful for all you have learned in your current position.

B. Make a list of all the things you are good at and enjoy doing.

C. Do “going within” exercises to see how you could use these talents to create income.

Once you make a decision to start using your talents to make money, things will really start opening up for you. There is no need to quit your present job yet. Start planning your business and you will know when it is time to gracefully leave.

Your precious baby will love having mommy at home. Your finances will flourish as your hearts desires are upheld.

Love, Azna

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  1. Patricia Ohnikian on March 6, 2009 at 6:52 pm

    Thanks for the beautiful telcast last week I am still high from it. Iwant to use this to heal cancer/false growths. Not sure the words to use. With great gratitude and blessing. Patricia

  2. Leanne Thomas on December 16, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Dear Azna and Rebecca,

    Thank you so much for your loving thoughtful words. My questions lie with my career. I am back in school getting my second master’s degree and I feel I am ready to spread my wings and fly. I am in education and desire to continue helping children yet I also want to work for myself. How can I change the world and still make millions?


  3. Leanne Thomas on December 16, 2008 at 4:40 pm

    Dear Azna and Rebecca,

    Thank you so much for your loving thoughtful words. My questions lie with my career. I am back in school getting my second master’s degree and I feel I am ready to spread my wings and fly. I am in education and desire to continue helping children yet I also want to work for myself. How can I change the world and still make millions?


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