Does this Habit block your Abundance?

Divine Mother asked me to talk to you about a huge problem that you may not be aware of.

A “habit” that is blocking you from having more substance and prosperity in your life.

here’s what is happening…

Especially spiritual folks, have a habit of looking at those who have more money or success as ‘someone separate’.

They look and say…’they are Not like me, they have money and they don’t have to struggle like me’.

This is a natural response in human nature, however, it is causing you to remain…less than abundant.

A part of you is saying- “You have more than I do, I am not like you and I never will be. There must be some reason you have more than I do and it is not fair.”

Again…a very understandable response.

please realize it is just human to feel envious!

Having to struggle can cause one to feel

• Morally superior

• Spiritual snobbery

• because they have plenty (and I don’t) they must be greedy

• those rich folks don’t understand what it is like to struggle for food and shelter

We want to heal this habit. As long as you continue to think this way…you will remain stuck.

Here is an exercise to help you:

HPT hand positions

• Think of a person who has a lot more than you

• Hold the HPT position, and say, “A part of me feels separate- rich people are not like me- I feel left out because they have plenty and I don’t”

Now bring in the light of Divine mercy…mercy and understanding. This exercise is to free-you, not to make you feel guilty.

• Imagine a circle of light- call your soul into that circle of light

• call the personality and the soul of the person who has more than you do into the circle of light

• notice that their soul is the same radiance as your soul…notice all the ways your souls are similar

Both your soul and their soul have so much love for you- for their human personalities 9all souls Love each other)

Don’t be surprised if both souls embrace each other.

Still holding HPT, ask what energetic gift you could give to the wealthy person you have selected.

Now, Beloved one, when you think of a wealthy person, send them blessings. This will connect you energetically in a good way. if you continue to think of the wealthy as separate and sort of ‘the enemy’- you will never get out of the mess you are in.

Now, play a game…make statements playfully.

When I am richer I will (fill in the blanks)

Do you know one reason it is important to heal this separateness?

As long as you feel the richer folks are somehow separate and maybe a bit devious- you will be secretly worries. Yes, you will worry that folks won’t like you as much if you become more abundant.

That is all for today.

I do have some fresh news about ‘the soul mate connection and how to get that manifested quickly’ which I will share with you next week.

love, Rebecca

PS_ there was a great response to having Divine Mother Blessings in your area.

PSS_ Did you know I am taking a few (very few) private clients? Would you like to be one?

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  1. Maria Rita on November 3, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    Dear Rebecca , I loved this exercise ! I feel I needed this ! Thanks so much !! I love you too and your teachings … and Divine Mother !!!! From Brasil … obrigada !!!

  2. Ruth on October 29, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    Thank you and Divine Mother for this exercise. I will work on releasing my attitude on this. I did not think I was envious but possibly I am(?)
    Thank you, hugs and love!

  3. vibhavari on October 29, 2011 at 3:22 am

    Hi Rebecca, Thanks for this info. I do find that i assume this judgmental attitude without even realizing it! Shall work on releasing it now. Thanks once again.

  4. Sandy Freschi on October 28, 2011 at 9:18 pm


    I love how you and Divine Mother offer HPT so freely. It has helped me heal so much in my life.

    Much love, Sandy (formerly Cassandra Batson)

  5. Fabio on October 28, 2011 at 6:20 pm

    Good evening, Rebecca.

    Thank you so much for explaining this HPT position to unblock prosperity issues within us.
    I really need it. How many times should I perform this process?
    Love and greetings from Sao Paulo, Brazil


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