I set up this page so you could post your feelings. What do you feel uneasy about? Scroll to bottom to leave your comments…

Are you feeling a sense of unease lately?

Are you finding feelings of insecurity rising to the surface?

Well…I have been having these feelings for the past several weeks myself. I figure if I am having them then lots of others are having them too. (Did you know I often experience much of what I give a teaching about?)

I couldn’t quite figure out what my ‘unease’ was about …so of course I talked with Divine Mother about it. Mother guided me in an HPT exercise (which I will share with you ) and She gave a hint about why so many of us are feeling this unease…

Rebecca, there is a sense of unease in all the land…

Some is due to financial or relationship concerns but much is due to energetic shifts.

Many beings are starting to feel “different” at this time.

Not only that…but your hearts are being called in new and different directions.

The old no longer gives comfort and the new is well…unknown!

So, if you are feeling this ‘sense of unease’- you are just feeling the shifts. You are completely normal and perhaps sensitive to changes.

CLICK the LINK below For HPT exercise to help you!

Click here to download… the HPT exercise

HPT hand positions

PS: I am accepting applications for a very few Private clients. This is for full day or half day sessions. I have room for 6 clients every two months.

Read details here:http://videoprayerlady.com/?page_id=114

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  1. satnam kaur matharu on November 5, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Dear Rebbecca,
    I had a dream, in this dream I saw my father, my father in law and my brother in law all are dead and on waking I was just feeling uneasy and some negativity like around . please explain and ask Mata what is the answer to this
    Thanking You

  2. Mary on November 2, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    Hi Rebecca,
    Thank goodness! It is not just me. My life is under going so much change at the moment that I do feel that unease creeping into my every day existence. The changes happening are things that I would never have imagined taking place. I think also, I do pick up a lot of this “unease” around me as well. The plans we had for the future have all taken a completely different path. I am feeling now, a little more positive but initially it was very unbalancing! I must admit that I am working with my HPT and EFT which has helped to settle me down. November 11 is a very special day for me as my daughter, who is now longer with us, was born on this day so I am waiting to see what 11/11/11 brings forth!
    Thank you Rebecca for making the space available to us so that we can communicate our thoughts. It is very comforting to realize that one is not alone!

  3. Jill on November 2, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Hi, Rebecca, Yes, I’ve been feeling lots of anxiety lately. I do pick up on those around me but this has been horrible. I feel something is going to happen that’s not “good” and I don’t know what it is. It really has been bringing me down and because of other hardships it has not been easy getting through the days.

  4. darshan on November 2, 2011 at 7:53 am

    Dear Rebecca …thank you for sharing with us all your thoughts …yes i have been feeling like somethings not right but couldn put my finger on it ….just feeling uncomfortable and esp after i watched something sent to my email about …are u ready for 2012 and all the things that could happen …it was very alarming and i thought i would ask for you to ask mother Azna to hekp and let us know what we can do ….What will be happening to our beautiful mother Earth and all that live here ….also 11 ..11..11 …..please help.us and guide us

  5. Kim on November 2, 2011 at 4:24 am

    Wow – thank you Rebecca! I was also feeling this unease recently. I am suddenly not happy at work and feel a little lost as to my life purpose. I will do the HPT right now but just knowing there are others feeling the same way is already so comforting. Love you.

  6. laura on November 2, 2011 at 12:28 am

    I hear all of you so clearly it breaks my heart to hear the same pain im having is becoming so apparent. I’ve been out of work since March, have depleted my savings and resources and have 2 weeks for a miracle to happen or im homeless. Homeless is definitely not going to work for me. I found a beautiful voice by Deva Premal chanting Gayatri Mantra(you tube) that seems to calm my mind along with the divine mothers. Hope this helps, love to all.

  7. kathy on November 1, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    In the last couple of months I have been having a very uneasy feeling and anxiety has started to crop up and I have not been able to shake it. I pray to mother Azna every day and do HPT. I have begun to be tired and anxious and not wanting to do a lot of anything. I go to work and the important things but I feel so stuck. I am trying to not dwell on financial, family and relation issues but they do come to the surface also. Is it all the uncertainty around where we are going? No direction with so many changes? I can’t wait until we have a clearer path to follow.

  8. Samantha on November 1, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    Hi, I’ve been feeling like I’m in a downward spiral. My business has declined to the point where I need to find a job…My head is spinning, I’m teary, I can’t sleep for the worry. I’ve tried the 2 doors test and can’t seem to see myself stepping into either of them – so I can’t gauge a response. I’m in overwhelm….and I don’t know how to emerge from it!

  9. Charlon on November 1, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Like many of you, I haven’t felt at all like myself recently, whatever that means. We are in a state of flux and the only thing that feels appropriate is to pare down life to it’s most simple facets; eating minimally, drinking water, breathing deeply, resting much and accessing all the spiritual resources available that explain the whys of what’s happening with us and the planet. Here are two of my favorites :

    1. Blog updates from http://www.thinkwithyourheart.net/
    Latest update is at: http://www.thinkwithyourheart.net/2011/10/27/11-11-11-source-code-activation/

    2. http://www.masteringalchemy.com/
    Sign up for your free account and go to the Free Member Archive. Choose Audios and Webinars. Listen to segments entitled: Fundamental Tools to Navigate (and Enjoy) the Shift

    Loves to all. We are in this together.

  10. Rhonda on November 1, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    Yes I have been feeling uneasy for several weeks now and am not really sure what I am uneasy about. I also lack motivation even for the things I usually most enjoy doing and I seem to be both cranky and anxious much of the time.

    I have a feeling it will all get much worse before it gets better as the increasing energies are bringing up all the darkness we have yet to cleanse.

    Meditation and spending time in Nature seem to bring the most relief.

    So nice to know that I am not the only one facing these symptoms!

  11. Patricia on November 1, 2011 at 5:11 pm


    I have been feeling overwhelmed, anxious, cannot sleep at night, eating a lot of chocolate frozen yogurt. Sometimes I get my words mixed up. Example I will be wanting to say done and I will say down instead. I have seen a doctor and everything is fine. I do believe the changes that are about to happen is affecting us.
    I try to rest when I can and go into nature. It helps.

  12. Arie on November 1, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    I’ve been concerned about family members with medical issues. I feel unusually indecisive, overwhelmed, and a need to place my plans on hold. Thanks for sharing

  13. Sierra Gal on November 1, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    I have been standing in this uneasiness for most of the summer.
    Some lighter days. As I do work on the grid too, it’s a global thing, not limited to one region.

    More recent a feeling of I want out of here, knowing this means the battle ground, chaos and not having clarity of right action now. The ego mind is turning itself inside out. My latest relief came when I simply reassure my ego mind that it would have a elevated place in light of the new world energy. One where it’s purpose was greater. It actually seemed to soothe it somewhat and I could rest.

    I’ve definitely had a lot of sleepless nights recently. I been calling on the legions of light angels and ascended master, et’s and planetary light workers,. All dimensions of myself, in addition any Comsic assistance that may be available to us, to join in this transformation.

    “Trust your Heart. It Knows the Way” ~Rene Remington

  14. Renate on November 1, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    I would say I am totally lost…have no destination anymore. That is not me and confuses me. There is a change probably, but can´t point it out.

  15. Elizabeth on November 1, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    My student loans are my immense unease. Unless there is a miracle(I keep asking for one…I expect it) I will be a slave to them for the rest of my life.

  16. Regina on November 1, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    I feel uneasy 4 wks after my soul reading .Old world dos not exite me no longer. I have feeling Mother Azna love me same.In God eye we still magnificent being moore than we can imaging.I have great hope in year 2012 Dec 21 when New World Ascention is emerging.
    Sending Blessing to All Love Peace Joy

  17. Nellie on November 1, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    Thank you. It’s reassuring to know that it isn’t just me. Even though I love Halloween season and have been on vacation as well, I have been on edge for the past few weeks. It’s also nice to have some relief for it!

  18. Zia on November 1, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    I have been totally centred and focused until recently. I knew what I wanted, and I knew it was coming to me. I suddenly find myself confused and unsure! I am not sure what I want, now, or I want different things that seem to scatter my energies. It’s very interesting you mention relationships, because that’s a huge part of my current confusion. HMMMM!!

  19. Maria on November 1, 2011 at 12:23 pm

    How wonderful that you brought up this topic as I thought that it was me! I have been rummaging through all of the issues that may make me feel uneasy, i.e. my marriage, my finances, relationships with friends and “so called” friends, etc..I have evaluated all of them in the last few months, however, I haven’t come to any concrete conclusion. I do feel that I’m feeling financially insecure, i.e. I have a lot of money, then I don’t have a lot of money~I’ve been going back and forth with that for a while so I think I’ll stick with the fact that the biggest insecurity is FINANCES! I talk to Blessed Mother all the time~perhaps through you she can give us more insight on why this is happening to so many!
    Blessings to you!

  20. Balqis on November 1, 2011 at 11:47 am

    It surprise me that you can sense the same feeling too. Yes, it is about finding a new direction in my career path. It feel a bit uneasy for me to catch up with the changes from the daily business routine I was get used to it and creating and commit a new routine as well as make big decisions on my own does impact my energy level.

    It about growing. changing and transforming in a new and better way. Also, reminding me on awaken my creative abilities that I does not pay attention on my previous journey.

    Yes, the HPT will be a great tool to erase and delete the dark side of uncomfortable changes

  21. Mary on November 1, 2011 at 11:05 am

    I have created a business, it’s an online magazine and community website and have all these pictures in my head about how I am going to get it going. Made up some flyers, stopped into some businesses, let friends know about it, have gotten nothing but positive feedback but no one is signing up. Now I have these feelings of being stalled and stagnant about it and I want to shake it off so I can keep forging forward and make it fun and inviting.

  22. Sherrie on November 1, 2011 at 11:04 am

    Yes, I have been feeling this unease for sometime now. It feels aweful. I don’t understand it. I want it to go away. Because it has caused so much strife in my life.

    It has prevented me to create my pathway.

    When can I stand boldly again for me?

  23. Susan on November 1, 2011 at 10:57 am

    I thought it was only me!! I have been feeling “out of sorts” for a few months. In fact at times it has felt like down right paranoia. Everything that used to make me feel better doesn’t and I don’t feel like doing anything. I thought it was my profession…. but maybe it isn’t.

  24. Nora on November 1, 2011 at 10:49 am

    I’m not the only one?????!!!! Whew! Recently I’ve been feeling…the best word I can think of is “untethered”. Really uncomfortable like nothing in my life is working for me or makes sense, even my 9-5 job that I used to love. But there’s nothing solid to move to, so I feel like I’m floating in a chasm. It was really bad a couple of weeks ago, really feeling like I wanted to leave the earth but things have settled a bit now. But I still feel lost and have a really sad feeling that I want my life to be very different from how I’ve created it. But how to do that…the only thing that seems to work is to bring myself to the present moment and feel appreciation for something. But sometimes that’s a fleeting feeling.

  25. Stella on November 1, 2011 at 10:17 am

    I am also feeling uneasy, I want to make changes in my life but not comfy to do so yet..even tough it wouldbe to my advantage in my career…I want to feel the right time WHEN to move forward…I dont know what is holding back..
    Would like to know more about the ‘door’ technique.
    Meanwhile i am keen to try this one further above. HPT

  26. soledad A on November 1, 2011 at 10:17 am

    OMG!!! I Hi Rebecca! I also, feel unease every time I see suffer any human being or animal. Is as I would like to remove the pain, I’m very sensitive cry easily, and my heart hurts,If I see sadnes, and at times o mourn for joy! When I see good things happend I notice that I can sense the energy of the people immediately if they are happy or angry, the negative energy I do not like too much bother me, a lot! I can’t stand it!
    Thank you for asking!!! I love youy I love the way you helps us!
    I am greatfull for the gift of you!

  27. branka on November 1, 2011 at 9:59 am

    yes, i share your particular experience too, rebecca.
    two days ago i met someone and i immediately felt a kindred soul in him and thought : all those processes i´ve been applying at last bring results. and the day after there was chaos and fear and doubt. last night i applied the hpt technique and sang the ja laksmi / ja mata song and then i slept soundly and this morning i woke up releived, knowing all is going to be well, no matter what. i really feel that ! maybe for the first time since i´ve started to work on myself. i now know that, even if he is not a perfect match for me, i am going to find my soulmate, just like rebecca found her fritz . and btw, i am so grateful for you sharing your private experiences with us, this does make a difference, you know. it does give others hope that even if our heart´s desire hasn´t manifested yet, it is going to happen.
    thank you ,rebecca. much love and appreciation,

  28. Kay on November 1, 2011 at 9:44 am

    Jaw dropping! I have been feeling so uneasy for the last two weeks and can’t put my finger on it. A feeling of depression and anixety. I don’t know what to do. I don’t like this uneasy feeling and its affecting me at work and home. My mind is just spinning about so many things… The weather has been really bizzare and that’s unsettling to me as well.

    Help! what do I do..

  29. sharon on November 1, 2011 at 9:27 am

    I can’t quite put my finger on it. My life is changing, what’s in my life is changing all for the better I believe, even my old thought patterns and beliefs are changing, but I feel an uncomfortable unrest and insecurity. There is nothing bad, just all good coming to me, so I don’t understand these feelings that are out of place, if u can understand that. I’m very confussed by this.

  30. Henriette on November 1, 2011 at 9:15 am

    I did the two door exercise during the ten days of healing and much to my surprise I found that if I continued on the path I was on (which I thought was my life purpose) there would be darkness and if I stopped there would be light.
    (I have written five small books on bullying in relationships)
    So now I have no clue what I’m supposed to do (other than I’m sure I’m here to serve) or how I will provide for my children. I feel confused.
    I try not to be desperate – I try to get calm.
    Thank you
    Love and Blessings

  31. Asia on November 1, 2011 at 9:10 am

    Rebecca; you hit the nail on the head for me. I had been feeling that anxiety about changing what I do and wondering if I am prepared for the shifting of energies needed . I am grateful for your honesty in bring this forward via your experience.
    Asia, … Michael Channel

  32. Willy on November 1, 2011 at 6:57 am

    Quite so Rebecca, in fact I – as a sensitive – did notice such ill-ease
    about 3 weeks after Three-.ELEVEN-ELEVEN, 11th March *11 the *tsunami* in Japan. As soon as I heard (on CNN/BBC, that the axel of our beloved Earth-planet apparently had moved ! and also Japan itself, I shuddered.
    Then of course the *denial* (by the Japanese Government), the general concern (globally) about nuclear-plant leakages, radioactrivity seeping through into Earth sacred waters & their SACRED lifestock (the great wales, dolphines, sharks and many many more goodness) made me shudder even more. Sitting ducks, all of us, no *escape* possible except to *stay put*, go through such abnormal CHANGES as in *evolution*, aka survival of the fittest.

    I myself reside in an area, the #2 (I think) earthquake part on our planet, the #1 being around Los Angeles (The Andreas *crack*).

    We live in *eerie* times, is all I can say. I do my bit/my utmost to stay *balanced* with all tools of my trade, so-to-phrase-this, and that definitely means as far as I am experiencing it: everyone, also all deities, angels, spirits, are *faced* with a completely different existence. However: GOD he/she meanwhile has *acquired* so many great NEW human awareness to cope and deal with the changes, and I am so grateful. All of our next-of-kin, their children and theirs deserve *life*.
    We the elders, who know more, just carry on, doing what others before us also continued doing, and the longer we are here, in the physical, the more good we can achieve, helping the Almighties – helping us, and vice-versa.

  33. Sandy Lee Bureros on October 31, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    I am always uneasy around angry people who like to spread their negativity around in such a way they actually share with a whole community…..

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