HPT Certified Coaches
The FIRST graduating class of HPT! These are the Pros in the world RIGHT NOW!
Certified Coaches in Using Heart Point Technique
For ALL our HPT MASTERS, click here.
Trained personally, by Rebecca.
These wonderful people have been trained in the use of Heart Point Technique…They are AMAZING!
They traveled to South Texas to be personally trained by myself and my staff. They are the ONLY people in the world that are CERTIFIED in this technique. Many are on their way to becoming Masters…
Let your heart guide you as to which person could be the most helpful to you.
Certified Inspiration Coaches _Specially trained in using HPT to inspire you to heights you never dreamed possible!
Certified HPT Money Coaches– Specialy trained in using HPT to bring abundance and healing into your life.
Teaching it live was the only way I could possibly train attendees in these amazing and life-changing methods. Please take advantage of this work with someone that speaks to your heart.
Do you wonder what’s it’s like to work with Rebecca one on one? And work with people that will inspire you to
new heights?
Come to the next HPT certification!
LEARN: HPT Soul Mastery…Learning to channel…so you can help your clients in ways you never dreamed.
Where? Ventura California (Fly into Ventura…A little secret Heaven on Earth…Don’t tell anyone!)
When? August 23, 24, & 25th.
This event is already HALF FULL!!! We have no doubts it will sell out.
Put your foot forward and make a move
if your heart is calling you.
Why do you want to be certified? Why work with Rebecca one on one?
Would you want to eventually become a “Master”?
Please email all questions to rebecca@rebeccamarina.com
The subject could read “HPT Certification Question” or
“Attention Belin”