Horus Method Certification Course by Video
Now available by recorded Video and AUDIO Transmission!
Get all the training via the Live event recordings on video…
Horus and Isis assure me…the POWER STAYS forever in the recordings!
Does your heart feel ready for this caliber of initiation?
Can you feel Jesus and Horus calling your heart?
Here is why…
Right now, the world is crazy for information on the pineal.
My video workshop on “De-calcifying the Pineal Gland” has over 163.2K views!
That’s just an INSANE amount of interest considering that video is over 40 minutes long! (Youtube recommends less than 10 minutes)
Why all this interest in the Pineal?
…and why now?
Horus says…’it’s the time-bomb of evolution going off!”
It’s built in…humanity has reached a point where enough have awakened to set up a chain reaction!
We don’t know WHY we desire our 3rd eye opened…we just know that something within us is DEMANDING it!
We innately know…even with absolutely NO Scientific proof, that the Pineal Gland is the Key to our ascension!
Yes, it’s like a gnawing hunger inside… and it’s eating people up!
I get emails from all over the world, folks begging me to pray for their Pineal and 3rd eye.
Folks who can barely write English somehow find a way to write me.
- Just like dogs know when their owner is coming home.
- Just Like the swallows know when it’s time to fly to Capistrano.
- Just like butterflies know when it’s time to break out of the cocoon…
So Humanity now KNOWS…it’s TIME to re-generate the Pineal Gland.
Restoring the Pineal is the only way to regain our lost powers!
Q. If we take this 3 day condensed seminar by video or audio, how are you going to give us the keys to regenerating our Pineal Gland? (Attend live or by Video )
A. Jesus, Horus, and a host of light beings are already giving me the down loads for your healing. (Plus, they wake me up at crazy times)
Spirit tells me that there are TWO Urgent Needs. (Everything else will be simple once I give you the formulas)
#1. “Cleanse and Release all Puppet Master Attachments”
Almost every Light worker who is part of this calling has attachments.
This is so subtle you may not notice. (That is the point)
Biggest signals that you have attachments are:
- Feeling confused when you start to speak of your mission
- Not being clear on your hearts desires
- Feeling unable to move forward
- Feeling guilty because you feel confused.
You see!
The symptoms are very subtle- so sneaky, most would not even recognize this as a “control device’.
Spirit has already given me the process to do the releasement.
You see, it must be far more than simple releasing from your energy field, or chakra systems.
The releasing must extend all the way to the far reaches of space.
After doing this for myself, I have had a burning desire to get this Pineal work out there!
(After i got over being knocked out)
It’s much like the hunger, I spoke of… my hunger is to fulfill my purpose as the messenger! What’s YOUR Hunger?
The Puppet master release begins with loosening of any spirit/emotional/energetic attachment’s residues from the entire digestive system. This begins at the lips and continues all the way to the anus.
#2. Create and be able to use your own, unique “Sphere of Power”
This technique alone will catapult you forward on the path of ascension like nothing else. This will serve you faithfully for the rest of your life like no other technique I have taught.
This technique combines the power of the elements
(It will be easy for you to understand and use once you are free of attachments.)
Techniques listed below are ‘supporting and advancing’ the first two.
#3. A personal “Pineal Gland Union” with Horus.
This ritual will give you a direct power connection to the “Lord of the Pineal” Himself. (Horus says it will be a ‘re-union” for some.)
#4. An acceleration of the indwelling of ‘Holy Spirit Light’
Gives you access to your unique soul language. The sounds that move energy that come from your own soul!
#5. A powerful “Atlas Gate Opening”- the forgotten “Alta major chakra”.
This chakra is “The key to receiving”- Wondering Why you are not receiving? A closed- shut Alta Major will block abundance on every level.
You will be able to “Harness the Power of the Elements” in a new way with the powerhouse ‘Sphere of Power’ technique.
Spirit is giving us new ways to use this for increasing visions. (I ‘saw’ the destruction of the recent tornadoes in Louisiana as it was happening- because of my closer connection to the elements)
More techniques from the Egyptian tradition will be given and once I hand you the keys, you will KNOW how to use them to unlock even more secrets.
What Being certified means:
After the Video seminar, YOU will be able to turn around (as a certified “Horus Method” agent) and do this for others.
I am doing all the work…Every technique will be written down for you in conversational style….so that, YOU can just read it!
***You MUST tell me when you finish the course so that I can email you your down -loadable certificate!
Being a certified “Horus Method Agent” is a great financial opportunity for you.
You will be able to provide something people are ALREADY CRAZY for!
Can you imagine being able to assist people in the thing they crave most?
To begin restoration of the Pineal?
To give back that which was lost?
Our own personal, ‘Stairway to Heaven”
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This intense activation is just what you have been asking Spirit to send you!
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