Kick Butt “Big Balls of Courage”Audio Program (GROUPON)

This audio course is like “Courage in a Bottle”…only it ain’t Liquor or whiskey!

It’s Pure belief…belief in yourself! The pure JOY of believing in yourself can move mountains!

This audio course will show  how YOU can grow a big set of “Balls” IE…Balls of courage…get out from under your shell and start taking charge of your life!

What Happens if You Never Grow Balls the Size of Texas? (Or even the size of Rhode Island)

What happens if you never have enough courage to ask for what you want in life?

I’m not talking about JUST fulfilling your purpose…I’m also talking about having courage to demand what you want from Spirit.

What if…you had a pair of balls so freaking BIG that you didn’t give a rat’s ass about what other people think of you?

What if you STOPPED feeling paralyzed at voicing YOUR desires?

What if…you could walk into a room and feel the power vibrating from your solar plexus?

What if you were no longer AFRAID to piss other people off, to stand your own ground?

To follow your own heart. for a freaking change?


What if you get back to the other side, have your life review and find out that your life could have been much easier if you had just had a pair of Big Balls to spiritually Demand more of your hearts desires?


Don’t let your life’s energy be wasted because you NEVER got the courage to follow your heart!


golden balls

Most people don’t know this…for a couple years, I was without a home of my own.

Partly due to ‘trying to be there’ for sick family members (I lost two brothers during that year) …and mostly due to the fact that I was following Spirit guidance in ‘nomad’ work.

I was directed to open “Lost soul exit portals” in different parts of the USA. I was directed to do ‘land healing’ in 3 different countries.

One exit portal was opened on old Battlefield

One exit portal was opened on old Battlefield

I was happy to be of service but the constant wandering –no home of my own- business began to wear on my ‘homeless  inner child’.

Finally, after more than year of wandering and yes,following guidance…

I PUT MY FOOT down with Spirit.

Look…I am done wandering! (for now)

I want a place to put my head down each night that is mine!

A place where I can run around naked if I want too.

A place where I am the queen and can have all the privacy my heart desires.

As soon as I put out this demand from a place of Authority…it was almost as if Spirit had been seeing how far I could be pushed before finally asking for what I wanted!

I heard a meek little spirit voice say to me…”Well, Rebecca, where would you like to live?”

Instantly, I answered, “South Padre Island Texas!”

South Padre Island

South Padre Island

Within 30 minutes of my “authoritative demand”- I got online and found a lovely place…right on the ocean. ( for half the going rate.)

I saw an ad, called the owner and he said to me…”I like your spirit and I want you to rent from me.”

He did not ask for any security deposit, no lease and he even LOWERED the rent just so I would stay longer. (BTW, there was nothing wrong with the place at all)

That’s what happens when you get “Big Balls” with Spirit.

golden gift balls dont own

Now only do we need “Big Balls” to accomplish our purpose- part of that purpose is to learn to walk in spiritual authority!

I firmly believe that Spirit will push us into situations where we feel our backs are against a wall, just to see if we will FINALLY wake up and demand our own spiritual rights!

Can I get an Amen?

So, what would you do with a Set of Big Balls?

What would demand from Spirit?

How would you fulfill your purpose more fully?

What have you been wanting to do but…feel afraid of what others might say…or worse…you are afraid it would not be in Divine will?

It’s time brothers and sisters to grow a pair…to step up and demand what your heart is crying out for!

Join me for a two week tele course that will give you the pair of Big Balls you have always wished you had!

I want you to close your eyes right now and start imaging your life as you start DEMANDING and receiving more of what your heart is longing for…

Love, Money and Feeling Great!

Love, Money and Feeling Great!

You can NEVER go wrong by having your hearts desires fulfilled- that is where the Divine hid your blueprint. (more on ‘blueprint secrets’ in class)

Let me put this another way… What are you tired of doing without?

Confused? Insecure?

What are you tired of doing without?

Get YOUR Golden Balls today!

Get YOUR Golden Balls today!

Two week Audio-course on “Big Balls of Courage” (like Rebecca has)

Week One: Getting clear on what you need the courage for. What are you missing out on because you don’t have the BALLS to ask for it?

I am finding that many Light Workers are being called in a different direction and feel lost and confused…like the Divine is changing gears on them mid-stream.

Week Two: Magic techniques to grow Big Balls and leave the FEAR behind!

How much?

Regular price $197 for this Two week audio course.

However…you won’t pay anything close to that! 

Save  almost 3/4!

Price slashed with Groupon!

This week on GROUPON…only 59.97!

Groupon slashes the fee to only $59.97 for a Two Week Course!

Need Financing?

Three  Monthly Payments of ONLY $27.97 each

Two at 59.97 each- thirty days apart

Win a Private Session with Rebecca

Love ya…


Big Balls will get you there!

Big Balls will get you there!

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