One Surprising Reason Dark Energies are Turning to the Light…
Hello from the edge of the forest. (The place of the 11/11 Portal which was opened)
Before I head out today, I desired to give you an update.(It was drizzling cold rain earlier so I have to wait a short while)
One surprising reason many Dark energies are looking for a portal to shift to the Light.
(This information was activated to me by the Arcturians) *Always give credit even if it’s from an unusual source.
The time/ space between ‘energy out’ and ‘energy in’ is becoming very short.
Good energy out, quicker return. Bad energy out, quicker return.
Have you noticed there is a sense of ‘time speeding up’?
This can work for us…or against us.
The more light work we do, the sooner it is coming back- if we are open to receiving. (Tomorrow I’m sending a longer article about this if I’m not too tired from being out in the woods.)
The chaos/dark energies are caught and subject to the energy of this too!
Some of them are diving deeper into areas where not much awakening is happening. War torn areas where they can feast off the darkness already there. The chaos energies had better enjoy it while they can because there is a legion of light workers being called to every part of this earth!
Others, are being exposed to the Light and feeling the comfort the Light has to offer.
…and there is that whole “self-preservation” thing going on. Gee, if you were a dark energy and you knew that you had been doing a whole heap of dastardly deeds and that it was about to start rapidly coming back to hit you in the face…what would you do?
There are only two choices for the dark entities:
#1. Hide deeper in the doo doo.(which won’t hold long)
#2. Take a chance when it is offered to you.
I am here to offer and support choice # 2. Take a chance, go through the portal and be restored by the Light!
(Opening on 11/11 by moi)
Folks, ascension is coming for us all. Yea, ascension is already in full swing!
Update on the Mission of Light:
As I was driving to this location yesterday, I passed through an area that gave me the creeps. I suddenly became filled with a sense of dread and panic. A small part of me was tempted to turn back for just a moment. (Hey, I’m human too!)
Then, I asked the question…”Who does this fear belong too?”
I got the answer…the feelings belonged to all the spirits in the area. I had the sense that a great many Native Americans had been slaughtered.
Driving in my car, in full daylight, I was shown a vision of how to affect more healing, that will travel a further distance. Here’s the method I was shown.
Supplies Needed:
- Your offerings (cornmeal, sea salt, Tobacco, resin, and chocolate for the fairies and elementals)
- Your Prayers and pure Intent -Your belief and the belief of others
- A wooden staff, or piece of wood found in the forest
Draw a circle on the ground with the cornmeal, tobacco etc. offering. Then take a staff of wood and say prayers and intention while pounding the staff into the middle of the circle.
The reverberations of healing intent will travel out underground in all directions and affect those energies who are ready to receive the healing and restitution offered. (and of course, I will do this ritual in the forest)
I continued my journey in peace and arrived at the lodging place just at dark, I had planned on getting out in the woods the first day but it was already too dark. (I’m brave, yet not foolish)
Oh yes, this place I’m staying at night is 125 years old.
It has a wonderful, benevolent spirit here. I’ll tell you all about her soon. Don’t want to overload you with adventure.
I’m about to head out now…will update you again soon.
I do so appreciate you sharing this journey with me.
Your prayers, belief and support are deeply appreciated as well.
If you have contributed to the expenses of this Mission, you will be rewarded.
The expenses are about 900 away from being covered, Will you check in with Spirit and see if you are being guided to help?
Everyone is not guided to do stuff like this, yet everyone can contribute in some way, if guided,
Share from your heart:
Any Amount as Guided by Spirit
Love and Happiness,
Your Portal Opening Priestess,
PS: If you have not been reading about the Mission of Light to open an exit portal on 11/11. Lost souls, dark energies are being given an easy exit through the portal. Assisted by thousands of Angels and High Beings of Light.