The Indian, the Forest, the Net of Sadness and the Portal…

A couple days ago, I went in for a craniosacral treatment. As I was lying on the table, fully awake…I began to have a vision. It was clear as day and none wavering.

I saw myself in the very forest where I am to do the ‘Exit Portal” opening on 11/11.

A very tall, impressive, Native American man appeared to me. He was dark-skinned with just a tinge of yellow to his complexion. His head was shaved except for a tuft of jet black hair to which feathers were attached, two pointing up, one pointing down.

At first, I thought he was giving me a message about the Portal, or that he would be helping me to open it.

However, upon further ‘tuning in’, I could see something far different going on.

He looked at me with grief-stricken expression, attempting a twisted grimace of a smile. A lone tear  escaped the corner of his left eye.” I am Jo-a- Quin, Shaman of my people.” he said. The syllables sounded so  so guttural that I had difficulty pronouncing it. He said,” just call me “Jose”, I know that’s easier for you.”

I asked… “Jose, Why are you so sad?”

“Can’t you see?” He mournfully gestured behind him. “I am the shaman for my people and I am carrying all their burdens and griefs for them. I have been wandering many years, doing my duty in carrying this load.”

I looked toward where Jose was gesturing…all I could see was about 40 feet of long, tangled net…like fishing net, trailing behind him.

Jose had been dragging the net for so long, he could hardly move forward.

It seemed every knobby root, vine and bramble had been caught up in the net making it almost impossible to move forward.

I had expected to see a net full of writhing, slimy, black looking burdens, sins, faults and general negative crap…but all I saw was the net itself…holding him back.

Darling Jose, I said… Look! there is NOTHING in the net!

He looked me in the eyes, surprised…he had never thought to look back at the net…just trudged forward doing his ‘duty’ as shaman of his tribe.

He stopped in his tracks and chanced a look.

He started shaking the net a bit to make sure there were no ‘dutiful burdens’ entangled there.

Great joy began to spread over his face!

As the awareness sank in, the net itself began to shrivel. It started from the very end of the 40 feet and shriveled rapidly until it was just a tiny handful of now somehow- sparkly, wadded up netting.

With a mighty shout of pure ecstatic victory, ‘Jose’ threw the net up into the air. It came to rest softly against the portal opening and will be sucked up completely into the light on 11/11.

‘Jose’ began to cavort and dance about, finally free, after realizing he had been “stuck” in his sense of duty and there was nothing really there!

As my vision faded, he was actually doing acrobatic back-flips!

What does this vision have to do with you?

Whose burdens are you carrying out of a sense of duty?

What have you made a horrible burden in your life?

What if you realized you could just give that to the Light?

What if it never was yours in the first place? What if you just took something on in a sense of “duty”?

This portal opening is about so much more than I can even imagine. There is already gathering a tremendous amount energy there.

What would you like to throw up to the Portal Opening right now?

What would you like to be sucked up in the Vortex and transformed by the light?

Just like ‘Jose”, you don’t have to wait!

Here’s a Heart Point Technique exercise to help you right now.

Do the exercise and energetically toss your burdens up to the mouth of the Portal Opening.

When I do the Portal Opening, I’ll be sure and include prayers for your burdens to be transformed by the mighty power of the light!

(It doesn’t matter if you know the location of the portal entrance- it’s actually more belief-building if you take all this on faith)

HPT Exercise:

Hold your hands in the position shown. One hand over your eyes, one hand cradle your heart. This joins head and heart.

HPT hand positions

Repeat these words: “Holy Spirit Revelation Light come into my crown and pour into my heart. Show me the burdens I am carrying that are not mine to carry.” 

Then simply be quiet as you allow Holy Spirit to gently reveal to you stuff you can let go and pass into the portal.

Then energetically, wad it up and toss it up to rest gently against the portal opening. Don’t get all caught up into the How, or even the Why. Just do this exercise in faith!

Have you ever had Spirit speak to you so strongly that you just HAD to obey?

You couldn’t live with yourself if you didn’t?

That’s how it is with me and this portal. If you feel guided to be a part of this…your contributions and/or prayers make you an active part of this.

If you desire to help this Mission of Light, there are 3 ways to do so.

#1. Believe…believe this message. Believe with me. Spirit says that one priestess is needed to believe and do- if joined by believers all over the world, the results will be far more powerful for us all!

#2. Pray. Pray for me, hold space for me. I am not afraid at all. I am fully protected. Whole armies of Light are already assembled. I am simply the priestess to believe and hold space for the exit portal.

#3. Help fund this Important Mission.

It is not in my budget to do any of this right now. Yet, I have already made my reservation. Spirit told me exactly where I must stay this time as well.

The great news is…Your contributions have raised 1/3 of the funds needed for me to complete the portal opening. I estimate the expense to be over 3000 and almost 1000 has come in through your listening to Spirit.

Here’s the thing… as you are reading this, you already know which of the options you are to invest in. Why do I say invest? Because any investment of your energy or finances will be of benefit to you and the entire planet. Indeed the Universe.

The accruing cost of travel, airlines, car rental, lodging and food is already well over $3,000. If Spirit is guiding you to contribute, Spirit will reward you richly.

Yes! I want to Be part of this Mission!

Yes! I want to Be part of this Mission!

 Contribute any Amount

Isn’t this fun? You, being a part of this?

I hope by my sharing little tidbits about this ‘portal Opening’ journey that you get a sense of being there with me.It’s only two weeks away that I leave home on the first leg of the journey. I will have lots to share with you when I return…and I will keep you updated along the way.

Love, Your Portal Opening Priestess, 


PS: If there is anything specific (besides the location) you want to know, shoot me an email. I’m working on a letter to answer questions I have already gotten.

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