Russia starts war with Ukraine (the Angelic Kingdom speaks)

Dear Wonderful Soul…
From The Angelic Kingdom
Russia started a war with the Ukraine.
 It is the desire of the Angelic Kingdom to see it very short lived. 
Humanity has a choice:
Choice A: 
~ Talk about how horrible it all is.
~ Get as many people as you can to agree with you that there is no hope.
~ Visualize death and destruction and commiserate with all our friends about the horrors of war.
Focusing on the negative will contribute to the darkness and make it even more dense for us…The Angelic Kingdom.
Choice B: 
~ Send in the “Angels in Army Boots” to dispel violence and greed. (Read full article on Angels in Army Boots)
~ Talk and agree this violence will be very short lived.
~ Visualize world leaders being calmed by their own angelic teams. And yes, even those people that we consider most wicked and corrupt, have angelic teams.
Now maybe those angelic teams are pulling their hair out because their charge does not pay attention.
We assure you…the Divine did not send anyone here without the option to have Angelic teams.
Rebecca speaking from Divine Insight adds:
It’s time we all realized how powerful our thoughts, words and energy are.
Again, we have two choices.
 ~ Choice number one: speak words that add to the power of violent energy by being negative and hopeless.
~ Choice number two: speak words of positive outcome and encouragement.
Do you realize that you have the power to increase the effectiveness of the angelic realm? 
Angels may gain or even lose energy according to our thoughts and energy.
Yes, even the Angelic Kingdom is affected by human thoughts and energy. Lift an angel up and you give them more power.
 Or make an Angels job even harder by spouting forth words and energies of doubt and negativity.
If our thoughts dwell on darkness, not only do the Angels have to plow through the negativity of those perpetrating violence, they have to plow through the negativity of us Lightworkers.
You can have a part in bringing peace.
This simple exercise will help you.
Sit and center yourself.
Go to your heart and think and feel love for a person, a group of people, an animal or pet.
Focus on the love as you feel it building up.
Then send love bombs from your heart to that place you desire to bring peace to.
Throw some pink nets of love light over your own angels.
While you are in the Pink Net mood…
Throw some pink nets of love light over the angels of those who are perpetrating the violence.
Forgive yourself when you get into fear doubt by focusing on the negative. 
This is related to ancient survival patterns.
You see…it’s human nature to pay attention to the negative… so that we can protect ourselves.
This stems from our caveman days when we had to be always looking out for danger in order to run, hide or fight to save ourselves.
Let us pray together, seeing the light of God surrounding and protecting that area affected by violence.
The most simple and effective mantra I know is “God’s light”.
 I always chant “God’s light” when stuck in traffic and the way magically clears up.
And finally, let us call for the angels of comfort, healing and mercy to help those already affected by violence.
Yes, we can.
We can give strength and good energy to the Angelic Kingdom.
The most powerful treasure in all of the universe is a human heart giving love on purpose.
Brothers and sisters, let us collectively send steams of love energy to those affected by this new violence.
Yes, let us send loving encouragement to the angelic teams we call in to assist those in harm’s way.
Let us send a deluge of love to the very earth where violence is being committed. This will honor the spirits of nature and bring even more harmony and cooperation.
If we all band together, we can make a huge difference…
You in?
Love, Rebecca

#1. Complete explanation of sending love with the Pink Net

technique (pictures and everything)
#2. Complete explanation of “Angels in Army Boots”
PPS: Can you think of others who may LOVE this information?
Pass it along as the angel YOU are!
 PPPS: Do you have my “Easy Guide to Channel Your own Guardian Angels?

Click here to get it!

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  1. William Waugh on July 8, 2022 at 9:26 am

    So, even this site is not immune to the blowtard conspiracy theorists. Yes the dark angels have a grip here.
    More power to the white lighters. Amen.

  2. Tony Giuliani on March 9, 2022 at 9:00 am

    Yes, I understand your point. I don’t watch anything regarding this conflict.

    I focus on the invisible war being raged on all of mankind. I ask, how can I help all of mankind.

    We are already in ww3. It’s being called covid 19 stars 2. A mental war that has created the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.

    You see, covid 10 stars 2, doesn’t exist. It’s never been clinically proven to exist.

    That’s a scientific fact.

    The USA provides the world with hope, that hope is called freedom. That’s being taken away, under the guise of a fake pandemic, using human emotions, ie: for the greater good to voluntarily inject synthetic mRNA and graphine oxide into your body.

    In science we call this transhumanism.

    I could go on and on.

    Putin invaded Ukraine for a reason, one we’ll probably never know via media.

    It’s extremely rich in valuable minerals and resources. It’s a cash cow for many american business and american senators and congressmen, to mention a few.

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