My Living Room and messy Kitchen

So… I am jonesing (aching to) to teach a class…because I miss you!


Normally I get tons of inspiration on what you NEED to hear about.

Right now…all I got was “ASK THEM”.  

Here is where I sit and meditate…

Watch the video of my little house.

So please tell me…

What kind of class would be more beneficial to you right now?

(Of course, it will be very low cost due to reduced incomes from many)

Choose and hit reply to let me know.

1. More from Thoth on the Virus.

2. Healing for the fear that is being stirred up.

3. Group psychic readings.

4. Help me discover “what’s wonderful about me.”

5. How can I have better intuition.

6. Name your own (send me an email and name your own type of class)

Or maybe…you need a private session with me and… you want me to lower the price so that you can afford it better.

ASk for what you need from me…if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Or send me an email at

Love, Rebecca

PS: WE are all in this together!

Do you need a little uplifting?

Text 956-457-5568 and I will send you an uplifting message pronto. (unless it’s the middle of the night)

If you are NOT in USA use whatsapp. I am under Rebecca Marina

PPS: Nothing makes me happier than to give out uplifting messages. Try me!

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