Emerald Tablet Empowerment…Like Rocket Fuel for Your Soul!
Empowerment from the Emerald Tablets
It is hard for you to believe you even have any power?
If you did… wouldn’t you have found a way to access it by now!
I know exactly how you feel because I have had this same struggle myself!
Everytime a High Being of Light approaches me and asks me to DO SOMETHING for them…I am always shocked!
Why are you asking me? I always ask…
“Why don’t you ask someone who is more disciplined, more holy, has more followers, is more articulate…and for heavens sake, ask somebody who can SPELL BETTER!”
Thoth to Rebecca: ” If you won’t own the power you have…how can I give you more?”
It is time to end the plauge of powerlessness that is keeping Lightworkers SMALL, Scared, and Insecure!
Thoth the Atlantean, author of The Emerald Tablets is calling us to claim our power!
In Truth…there is only ONE Perfect Reason for us to seek our Power!
We MUST be powerful in order to more fully accomplish our Soul Purpose!
We MUST claim our power in order to serve ourselves and others in the way that we planned when we came forth into this incarnation!
Why are we so afraid of the very word power?
Is it because we are AFRAID that we will misuse our power?
In addition…we associate power with memories/expectations of power being used against us.

We have past life memories of power being used against us.
We also have past life memories of when WE ABUSED POWER and took advantage of others!
Some of us took vows that we would never again abuse our power.
And so, we unnecessarily avoid having any power.
(This is my case. Awareness causes me to release all vows and agreements and fears of power…so that I can be a more powerful Guide for others)
The effects of YOU having NO power are as follows:
- feeling afraid
- hiding from our true self
- feeling shy
- not serving your soul purpose,
- having no confidence,
- always looking to others for validation.
- huge tribal issues. ( you feel you have to get family approval about everything.)
How’s that working for you? (Yucky right?)
More problems when you don’t claim your power.
- People don’t respect you.
- You never feel secure. (no matter how much money you have)
When you don’t claim your power, you never have a feeling of security.
It doesn’t matter how much you have, friends, job, money…you cannot feel secure when you feel powerless!
Q. Rebecca…I don’t know HOW to claim my power! What can YOU do to help me claim it?
A. I, Thoth, all Your team and all the Brothers of Light are ready to GUIDE you in the steps to become more powerful moment by moment!
Along with energy healing techniques...there are SECRETS in the Emerald Tablets coming to Light and ready for discovery!
- Sacred Power Words that block interferance
- Secret Techinques that strenghten your will
- Specific Guidance for each participant as needed
Emerald tablets Empowerment is a TWO week program.
(via tele seminar- take it from any country, free web calling)
Week One: (Class repeated TWICE for each week)
- Discover and release fears and MISCONCEPTIONS about Power.
- Clear past lives when you abused power. (or present time)
- Clear past or present times when others had power over you.
- Understand and CLEAR the MAIN reason YOU afraid to recognize your power.
- Get at least ONE sacred Power word to overcome any fear
Week Two:
- What powers are you saying NO to?
- How do you discover and claim your secret powers?
- What will you do when you step into your power?
- How can you better serve yourself and others
- Recieve a personal chakra scan and the sacred word frequency for the ones out of balance
Bottom Line: What GOOD is this tele class going to do me?
Here is what we are selling! Advantages of claiming and building power are:
- Unique Guidance to claiming and building your power!
- You are respected by others.
- You have respect for yourself.
- You have confidence.
- You feel secure. (Even when things are NOT going your way…you KNOW the Universe has your back!)
- You can serve your soul purpose better and NOTHING on earth can top that feeling!
- You will LOVE yourself more!
The more you claim your power, the more it grows.
But you gotta learn how to do that first!
The more you claim your power, the more you have to give.
You’re no longer afraid to try new things…things you have always wanted to do.
You are no longer afraid to be seen!
If you NEVER learn to claim, own and increase your power…you will never have that DEEP soul satisfaction you crave!
Teleclass dates are: (about 2 hours each)
Week 1
Saturday, January 11th at 3:00 PM Eastern
Sunday, January 12th at 2:00 PM Eastern
Week 2
Saturday, January 18th at 3:00 PM Eastern
Sunday, January 19th at 2:00 PM Eastern
Because I will do an INVIVIDUAL Chakra scan on each student…
Class is limited to TEN participants
$397 value
3 at 69.77 each