Pictures from the Portal Opening Country
Help is needed from More Warriors of Light!
Lord Odin is known as a god of war, wisdom and magic.
He is the most known for rescuing those fallen in battle and taking them to Valhalla. He is merciful and kind.
Not only will the “Warriors of Light” come forth to help end real physical wars…they are here to help us to end our personal wars of surviving and thriving.
I left a few days ago to come to a far away country to open a “Portal of Anti War!”
This is not only for the areas that are affected by war…it is for the humans who feel as if they are…
Losing the battle
Fallen in Battle
or feel like giving up!
Funny thing is…I have been experiencing there same feelings.
Well…it seems I am always right there in the trenches of life along with everyone else.
Maybe that is what I CARE so much!
Lord Odin says that He desires for us to be selfish with this anti war portal!
This shocked me a little until he explained.
From Lord Odin, father of the Gods.
“Rebecca, most Light Workers immediately think of the GOOD of others!
The minute you started talking about this Anti War portal…most started thinking about all the war zones around the world and how this would help!
I say NO…please call the Warriors of Light to your OWN situation first!
Only as you are stronger can you truly call for the Warriors to go elsewhere…KEEP the HOME-FIRES burning!
The Home fire that is YOUR heart light!
Do not fear that you will be thought of as selfish in the old sense of the word.
We NEED YOU to be strong!”
Love and Power, Lord Odin
(PS: I will tell you exactly HOW to call the Warriors to you as soon as the Portal is fully activated!)
There were 5 countries that separated us…now I am here (tell you tomorrow WHERE)
The energy is SO GOOD! I know why Lord Odin selected this place for the anti war portal to be opened!
Here are some photos of the journey so far:
There was a wishing well at the first airport… I threw in a quarter and made a wish that all would go well.
It has…
The first plane I took to get me to a major city.
Good ole Southwest!

Happy to be on the 2nd plane…United Airlines

Local food …a big plate we all shared
Thankfully, I am not all alone on this trip! I am part of a group. Only ONE of these people know what my INTENT is for being on this mission! (Hard to explain a PORTAL to non-believers)

View of the countryside!
Lord Odin encourages us to look first to our own personal wars and ask for assistance.
His words to me…”Rebecca tell people NOT to be ashamed for asking for personal help for their own battles FIRST!
As we find help for our personal agonies…we are more able to help others.
As Gandhi said…” Be the change you wish to see”.
I will be gone about a week and hope to be able to report back to you along the way. I am fortunate to have internet at the place we are staying. I hardly brought any cash with me…yet, I haven’t missed a meal yet!
Your help is greatly appreciated to sponsor this mission of Urgent need!
Lord Odin suggests that You should expect,,, and even ASK for more blessings for YOURSELF to reward your contributions!
For some of you…it may be a great sacrifice to sponsor this mission. For others it may not be financially difficult.
However: EVERYBODY has a need in their life where BLESSINGS are greatly needed!
(Can I get an AMEN?)
Lord Odin is directing me to create a Magick Elixir created with the earth from the area where I open the portal.
The potion will not be activated until the portal is opened and the vial blessed with Holy Spirit Fire!
For all those who support this Anti War Portal…
Lord Odin directs me to anoint your name and prayer request with this potion.
All will benefit whether or not they support this Portal of Anti-War….yet your financial support is greatly appreciated!
WE are READY for some powerful help to battle the dark on our behalf (can I get an AMEN?)
The Budget for this Mission including travel, lost time from work and other expenses is set at $5000.
I have bought my ticket… taken time off from my regular work of seeing clients and teaching classes……will you help me?
All who contribute will receive instructions to send me your prayer requests. As soon as the potion is created, I will anoint your requests and bless them with Holy Spirit Fire!
Lord Odin says that One ingredient that makes the potion so powerful is the Human element.
This includes, willingness to sacrifice, faith in the Mission and TRUST that the Portal WILL benefit ALL of humanity.
Sponsorship Options and Rewards:
$Other Amount (If you don’t like any of the amounts above… put in any amount you desire)
PS: Remember, as soon as you sponsor this Portal Opening Mission…you will receive instructions to send me your prayer requests.
I will begin to pray for your requests as soon as I receive them…
(Give me time to get back home and recover from time zones to send you the photo)
After, I create the Magick Elixir and it is activated by Holy Spirit Light…I will send you a photo of your name anointed with Lord Odin’s Magick Elixir of Light.
In case you are concerned about the Ingredients of the Lord Odin Magic Potions…he has given me permission to share them with you. You will see why this is so rare!
- Earth from the portal opening site
- Oil of rosemary (stinks but clears dark energy)
- Essence of Enemy of the Devils incense (can only be obtained from a Master Sufi healer and cost 100 for only 10 grams)
- Oil of Bergamot increases prosperity
- Ashitaba herb of immortality (native to a small volcanic island off the coast of japan)
- My faith, love, trust and life force energy
- Activated by Holy Spirit Fire!