The Most Painful “Albatross” of all…

Yesterday, we talked about the story of the Ancient Mariner…a sailor who shot and Albatross and had to wear the rotting corpse around his neck for Punishment!

But what if YOU have an Albatross corpse placed around your neck by no fault of your own?

What if that “rotting corpse” energy pattern is your own mother?

Or father? Or siblings?

(Family is the most painful of all)

What if you are simply a victim and chose the WRONG family to be born into?

What if you have allowed this rot to block your happiness in a thousand ways?

It doesn’t matter HOW the Albatross got placed around your neck.

It doesn’t matter WHOSE fault it is!

Once you are in awareness of it…only YOU can shift it!

I already said…you probably AIN’T gonna like the process…

The clearing process requires you to face an awareness of your blocks as you never have before!

If you are not aware…you can’t clear!

What’s the Alternative?

Do you want to STAY with a rotten, stinking energy pattern that only gets worse?

Do you want to remain a victim even when it’s NOT your fault?

Do you want to continue to FAIL to thrive?

In doing my own clearing, I have discovered it has to be a ‘wash, rinse, repeat’ process.

Good Lord! I had TWO ‘hidden’ Albatross patterns that I had no idea were affecting me so harshly!

One of the BEST things about this class is that it teaches you how to spot and clear the Hidden Albatross patterns.

*After all, you probably KNOW the damage a ‘family Albatross’ pattern can cause…yet what you DON’T know can KILL you too!

Join me by teleclass from anywhere in the world (free calling)


Saturday June 15 from 4 PM to 6 PM eastern

Skip Sunday because it is Father’s day!

Monday June 17 from 7 PM to 8 PM eastern.

Or…join by audio replay and get the same healing benefits.

The fee is low…the time is NOW!

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