Tail Between My legs
A couple months ago…I was guided to hold a FREE LOCAL event to honor Mother Mary.

So strong was the prompting that I rented a hotel meeting room, put articles in the paper and even built a website!
The event was a huge success if you count it in terms of people being blessed.
The room was full of faithful Catholics and the energy was high.
Several miracles occured right in the meeting.
Everyone left HAPPY and filled with love!
Recently, I again felt prompted to do same type free event… again in honor of Mother Mary.
And so…I rented space, put an article in the paper and people cam out in droves.
(again, Faithful Catholics as not many others in my area honor Mother Mary)

However, this time, the energy was heavy as lead! Several people actually walked out!
I had spent time in meditation, had done all that I could and the energy was just HEAVY!
The energy DID lighten up towards the end…but it was like pulling teeth!

As I drove home (over 60 miles) I felt like such a failure!

What could I have done differently?
Didn’t I feel the promptings of Spirit to do this event?
Did I have something to do with the heavy energy?
I do know that there was ONE particular person in attendance whom I knew (from another time) who had a LOT of animosity energy towards me.
The thing is….I really really really desired for people to be blessed! My Heart felt broken that somehow…I did NOT deliver!
That night, lying in my bed, I couldn’t sleep for the emotions bombarding me!
(Yes, I tapped)
What’s good about this I am NOT seeing?

Finally I had tossed and turned enough to quiet and hear the voice of Spirit.
Rebecca, you never KNOW the good that is done right in the moment.
Do you realize that you helped a room full of total strangers share their prayer needs and pray for each other?
…and Rebecca, things don’t always turn out as you imagined…that doesn’t mean YOU are a failure!
But…I argued, I WANT to do some good!
I spent my own money to put this FREE event on just in the hopes of people being blessed!
I admit it…I WANT to do some good and SEE the good that is happening!
Something else came of this too…the person who had the animosity towards me needed to energetically be cut from my energy space.
Soon I will be teaching a class on this…
How to Cut the Albatross from around your neck!
The Albatross can be a person, an energy pattern, a belief, even a political issue. You can tell if you have an Albatross energy because it gets so uncomfortable…it starts to STINK! (It can also be a secret sin or past event that you can’t admit to anyone)
I share this story with you to encourage you in those times YOU might be feeling like a failure!
Everything we do when we feel guided does not always turn out as we planned.
It does NOT mean that we did not have pure guidance.
Sometimes…it is simply a learning experience.
Sometimes the GOOD comes later and we won’t even be aware of it!
Please don’t let these type experiences STOP you from trusting your guidance.
Even though I felt very disappointed…and YES, like a failure and a fraud…I still KNOW the prompting was from Spirit. I still TRUST that it was the right thing to do!
Good Lord…I have taken off across the country to open portals…trusting in the promptings of Spirit.
PLease don’t think I never have doubts…yet, I DO IT ANYWAY!
My guidance is true, my heart is pure and I will keep trusting!
Please share your thoughts with me as to how this applies to your life!
Love, Rebecca
PS: One thing is SURE…I NEVER doubt my intuitive abilities and my skills when it comes to helping others!
They are always 100% ON!
PSS: Another thing that contributed to the HEAVY energy was ME holding back.
Psychic guidance for individuals started coming through but I didn’t feel it was the right time to share.
(Gee, how to you tell a lady that her daughter is NOT really mentally ill but is being tormented by an evil entity?)
Another man asked for prayer for a friend who had been in a coma for ten days…(How do I blurt out…he’s going to transition?)
PSSS: Just writing this, I can see that it was ME!
I did not think the participants were ready to hear the information that was trying to pour forth…so I squashed it!
I squashed my natural talents out of respect for what I THOUGHT they were ready for.
PSSSS: Yes, I will do the work on the Albatross thing too!
How about you?
PSSSSS: May I suggest you have a private session to discover and remove that rotten stinking Albatross from around YOUR neck?
info: http://wp.me/pq2xG-47Z
secret sin
something you can’t confess to anybody!
Go here for info. info: http://wp.me/pq2xG-47Z
WAIT…as I Was coming to the end of writing this I realized something…
Hey, I forgot I was magic!
So, why not use my magic and go back in time and SHIFT all that heavy energy around that event?
I did!
I shifted it from the person who had animosity towards me. I shifted it from the attitudes of all the people. I shited it from my OWN attirude that I had failed!
Then, it felt LIGHT and I am grateful.
Time to ask yourself…what can I go back in time to shift?
Please share your thoughts with me on this (no sermons please)
Better to send it to my private email childsuzy@yahoo.com
and…please share this with someone who could be feeling like a failure right now.
(better to copy n paste so it won’t get caught in a filter)
Rebecca Marina Messenger
Posted in Rebecca