Albatross Removal Course
A few days ago…I shared the story of Cecelia (not her real name.) Cecelia had done something accidentally that caused bad harm to another person.
Story Of Cecelia
So great was her shame, embarrassment, guilt that she held it all inside and didn’t even share it with her family.
It was like an Albatross around her neck…choking the very life out of her. (She became physically ill due to the unreleased agony of these emotions)
Happily, our session was a great success. I created a special private session for those who desire private healing. (Read about private healing here)
However…I have gotten some feedback from people who recognize that they have an ALBATROSS and are ready to heal in a group class setting.
Do you know the story of the Ancient Mariner? This is where the Albatross around the neck originated.
Seems there was an Albatross that brought good fortune to the ship and crew. For some unknown CRAZY Self sabotage reason… the Ancient Mariner shot the bird!
All hell started breaking loose as far as BAD LUCK goes.
The rest of the crew took the dead Albatross and hung it around the Ancient Mariners neck.
There it stayed rotting, stinking and reminding him of his folly!
It wasn’t until almost all on the ship had died that the Ancient Mariner was able to PRAY and the Albatross at last was removed of its own accord.
Hence the term “Albatross around the neck”.
Only YOU can cause the Albatross to be removed.
Only when you realize the lesson of it…will it fall away and you will be restored.
Recently, I had to realize my own Albatross.
It was painful to face it … that bird had grown rotten, stinking, paralyzing and was blocking lots of GOOD in my life!
There can be all kinds of “Albatross” situations!
Some you’re not even aware of!
The Hidden Albatross:
This is a situation where you did something to someone else…either on purpose or by accident. This could have happened long ago…or yesterday.
The key here is NOT whether you are right or wrong…the Albatross can be caused when that person PERCEIVES that you did them wrong.
I see this all the time with my clients!
Another person can be throwing dark daggers of energy at you and you are not even aware of where it’s coming from.
Well…you are aware that something is amiss…that something is a big block… you just don’t have a clue what that is.
So…this is why I am creating a tele class to clear the Albatross Issue.
Here is what we cover:
What? (Is the damage I can’t see?)
When? (This lifetime? It often is but could be past life)
Where is it killing me? (You probably have a good idea on this one)
Who else is connected? (VERY important!)
How can I get it removed? (This will be different for each person)
Can we go back to the POINT of CREATION and un-create it?
The Hidden Albatross:
This can be the most insidious of all.
Who could be throwing daggers at us?
Who could be in jealousy or resentment of us?
Are they living or dead?
We ALL have a tendency to try and defend ourselves…yet, there is only ONE WAY to diffuse and remove THIS type of Albatross.
You will be guided in this every step of the way!
That is one of my gifts…guiding you to recognize and release complex issues.

YOUR Path…
Spirit would not give me the AWARENESS of an issue without giving me the solution!
This tele class will be presented TWICE.
(One ticket gets you entrance to BOTH healing session)
My system has free calling from anywhere in the world…If you are ready to release your Albatross…there ain’t no excuse not too.
Saturday June 15 from 4 PM to 6 PM eastern
Skip Sunday because it is Father’s day!
Monday June 17 from 7 PM to 8 PM eastern.
Or…join by audio replay and get the same healing benefits.
How Much?
Fee for this Albatross Removal System is
67 US
Or 3 payments of 27 each.
Here are just a few of Albatross examples from my clients:
- Resentment/jealousy FROM others can be a killer of an abundant life!
- Abortion/miscarriage: You had one and can’t get over it.
- Secret Shame: You have done something so shameful/embarrassing you can’t share it with anyone…so it just eats you alive!
- Cursed: You feel you have done something or attracted something that feels like your life is cursed.
- Harm: You harmed someone either on purpose or on accident.
- Failure: You have failed in many things in your life.
- Paralyzed: You just can’t see to move beyond where you are now…in fact you feel you are caught in a sticky web of defeat.
- Hidden Albatross: This is when someone has a PERCEPTION that you did them wrong.
Maybe you did…maybe you did not.
All that matters is their PERCEPTION that you did wrong. There is only ONE way to clear this…you probably ain’t gonna like it but it’s the Only thing that will work!
- Sexual Trauma: You perpetrated it…or you had it done to you.
- Murder: Ok…this is drastic and you probably need to get 3 of the PRIVATE heavy duty sessions.
The common theme for all Albatross Removal sessions is that they need a STRONG and Powerful energy to clear them. They likely involve several people.
They ALL got to be pulled into the healing to be successful and get YOUR Freedom!
Please make your choice now.
This tele class will be presented TWICE.
(One ticket gets you entrance to BOTH healing session)
My system has free calling from anywhere in the world…If you are ready to release your Albatross…there ain’t no excuse not to.
Saturday June 15 from 4 PM to 6 PM eastern
Skip Sunday because it is Father’s day!
Monday June 17 from 7 PM to 8 PM eastern.
Or…join by audio replay and get the same healing benefits.
Fee for this Albatross Removal System is
67 US