In Honor of National Unicorn Day (Even Virgin Mary is in on this)
What is the fascination with Unicorns?
Many think of these as only my mythical creatures…yet they are found through history and even in the scriptures.
There is even a sculpture of The Virgin Mary holding a Unicorn.
See photos here

Virgin Mary holding the unicorn (c. 1480), detail of the Annunciation with the Unicorn Polyptych, National Museum, Warsaw
Here is another beautiful one.

In short, Unicorns have a magic about them that calls to the ancient memories within the marrow of our bones.
In honor of National Unicorn Day (special Unicorn offering)
Unicorn Pineal Seed Transfer
In this Unique Unicorn Energy Transfer… Majestic Queen Natalie will transfer into your Pineal Gland…a seed of Unicorn Magic!
This will cause:
- A clearing of the Pineal
- An Awakening of Ancient Unicorn Remembrance
- Activation of the tiny crystals within the Pineal
Queen Natalie assures me this “energy seed transfer” will cause automatic Pineal Acceleration leading to.
- Greater Psychic Awareness
- Clarity of Inner Vision
- A Sense of Magical Erupting Joy in Your life
This is an intense (no Talking) session only 15 minutes needed.
Expect to stay in trance for awhile afterwards so don’t go signing any legal papers!