Birthday Love Letter
Today is my 66th birthday and I desire to express to you my appreciation and love.
No matter what Spirit guides me to teach or talk about…it feels like you are there to support.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you!
It is my desire to bring you relief from the Pains of life,
Perhaps you are suffering emotional pain
Maybe Physical pain
Maybe Financial pain
The following TWO free offerings will help you.
#1. To assist you in releasing Physical Pain... I share this audio (very short)
It was in my Bonding with the Angels of Abundance class that a lady asked for healing from physical pain…
I copied this audio segment from that course for all who have physical pain.
#1. To assist you in releasing deep emotional pain or physical discomfort….
I offer you this mini-workshop by video (about 20 minutes)
FREE Distance Healing with Mother Mary
People are getting healings just watching you can too!
One lady watching the video left this comment: (I love all the little hearts she put in!)
Dear Rebecca, I received healing for an issue I had dealt with for 3 days!
It’s gone completely!
Almost immediately… The same night I shared your video with my friend who had been dealing with the same issue for nearly 2 weeks.
She too, had no further symptoms the same night!Also another medical issue she was dealing with that I was unaware of has just stopped completely!
I am forever grateful! ???????????
These words seem so insufficient to tell you how grateful I am and how wonderful you are! ?????
Birthday Love Offering
Divine Mother says that I often forget yo give you the opportunity to be blessed by giving.
If it is in your heart to BLESS me with a Birthday LOVE Offering, I gladly accept.
For all those who do contribute, I will write your name on a prayer cloth, anoint with Holy Oil, and say prayers for you each morning, all week long!
If there is something SPECIAL you would like prayer for…just put it on the order form.
Yes, I will take a picture and email it to you! (Give me a couple days as I am traveling until Thursday)

Your name on my altar, anointed with Holy oil
Love Offering for Rebecca
(choose the amount you love)
Other Choose your own amount
Love and appreciation,