Cinnamon Roll Test” Does Azuron Weight Healing Actually Work?

Before I teach any tele class… I usually do something to prove it to MYSELF that it will be helpful to YOU.

And because I’ve been at my natural weight between 140 and 143 for many years it’s hard for me to either gain or lose weight.

So… I let myself get addicted!

 That’s right!
 I let myself get addicted to big, fat, juicy cinnamon rolls.
Not the little bitty kind either…who wants those?
 These rolls  were delicious and not hard to get addicted to at all!
Even though I did not feel very good after I ate them…it’s like I couldn’t STOP myself!


To make it worse…a friend saw how much I was enjoying them and brought me a fresh batch every couple days.
Within no time at all…I had put on an extra 5 to 6 pounds.
*My 65 year old knees ache like the dickens when I get over my set point…and my stomach feels awful!


 Now, if you have a lot to lose, 5 to 6 pounds may not sound like much…
Yet  when your accustomed to being thinner (at your natural set point) it can be very difficult.


What happened next?

 I applied the just a few of techniques from the Azuron weight healing/ metabolism boosting course and…

I easily got rid of those extra pounds in just a few days.


That’s applying just a few of the techniques and it didn’t hurt a bit.
Of course, I did stop eating all those cinnamon rolls yet, the damage had been done.


This took curing my new found addiction and applying BLOOD SUGAR CONTROL

…which I am teaching YOU how to do in my course!




PS: I could easily call this…  Weight Loss that doesn’t hurt a bit!
When you are in control of your blood sugar…you are in control of your life.


PSS: Me fatter (I don’t like putting this out…glad I cleared my SHAME energy)

Rebecca- somewhere in the middle of the Struggle


Rebecca now (Dec 30, 2018) It’s silly but I LOVE me some feather BOAS!

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