Elias…The Little Eunuch who COULD! (Temple Legend Confirmed by Mary Magdalene)
Well, actually, when I met him, Elias was no longer little. He was fully grown and the most magnificent, well-formed Nubian male I have ever seen or imagined!
Most startling, against the contrast to his almost jet black skin were his luminous, all-knowing, sky blue eyes!

Nubian with Blue Eyes
But, it wasn’t always so.
When Elias was a small boy, warring factions invaded his homeland and took him prisoner…he was 8 years old and already showing signs of his growing magnetic magnificence!
Although, Elias was of royal blood in his own land, the invaders gave him no respect.
He was enslaved and brought before the ruler of the land. The king, sensing Elias’s royal demeanor, immediately ordered Elias to be castrated and placed him in his harem to entertain and grow to protect the women.
After all…what harm could a Eunuch do?
Elias did grow and as he grew, so did his Kundalini powers and his magnetism.
He became so handsome and engaging that all the harem women flocked to him and vied for his attention.
Hearing of this, the king ordered Elias to be ousted and given to the Goddess temples as a servant.
However, the High priestess, sensing his royal heritage and innate abilities never allowed him to become a servant.
Scanning his energy she learned Elias had been blessed from the ‘Realm of Merlin’ and had magical gifts that had never been called upon.
Even though he was indeed a eunuch, Elias had retained much of his kundalini power. This along with his compassionate heart shown like a beacon for the High Priestess to see.
The High Priestess quickly placed Elias in training to be a healer and advised his teachers to allow his talents to flow in whatever direction they desired.
Elias became renowned for his abilities as a sexual healer. Of course, due to castration, his Pene could never become erect, still it was a CHALICE of great healing powers.
Hanging straight down, flaccid… at least 8 inches in length and as big around as a small woman’s wrist, it was indeed a wonder to behold!
Because of his own suffering, Elias eagerly developed his healing powers alleviating the sexual suffering of others.
He was not only blessed by the ‘realm of Merlin’ … he was very connected to the great cat Goddess Bastet.
In short…Elias was magical in his healing abilities!
(Elias says he called them patients as he considered himself a physician of sexual healing)
When a patient would come to him, Elias had a two stage approach to the session.
#1. Elias would lie prone along their back and absorb the pain out through the back of the heart center and into his own body. He would then transmute that pain into golden light and send it back to the Sun God Ra.
#2. Elias would then lie prone along the front of their body. He would align all the chakras simultaneously and when he felt them ready, he would begin to transfer his own very great Kundalini energy to them.
His flaccid Pene would lie gently in the crevice of the genitalia and begin to stir Sekem. (Vitality or life force)
Because he was indeed a eunuch, even men came to him for healing of their intimate issues.
They felt no threat and understood the concept of the male chalice as healer.
Many ‘patients’ (as Elias called them), received deep intense healing in just one session. Some had many layers to their woundings and required several sessions.
So what does all this have to do with Mary Magdalene, or me?
Allow me to explain.
As many of you know…Mary Magdalene and I are writing a book together and I often channel her wisdom.
She had advised me to do an exercise based on a process in ‘The Sophia Code’ by Kaia Ra.
In the exercise, you cause your bone marrow to heat up, thereby releasing information. (Information is stored in Stone and Bone)
Mary explained to me that your bone marrow holds the secrets to not only YOUR past incarnations but your multi-dimensional selves and also those of your soul family.
(Your soul family are all those souls you incarnated with in every lifetime)
Here is the important part…when you retrieve a vision from your bone marrow…the power you see is YOURS to develop and use!
(Soon I will announce a special live seminar to teach about this)
When I did the ‘bone marrow’ exercise, I saw the whole story of Elias unfold before me just as I described.
Mary then confirmed that Elias was a true story and a temple legend.
Although Elias existed long before Mary had her training in the temples… his energy and inspiration remains.
Mary further explained that in Elias’s lifetime…I was that High priestess. I was the one who caused him to be trained and I was the one who selected his ‘patients’ for sessions.
Now, Elias is offering to do these same type of sessions through me.
He insists on the exact same format- 20 minutes of ‘pain removal’ followed by 20 minutes of ‘pleasure installation’.
There will be little or no talking in the sessions.
Participants will go into a trance like state, Elias will merge his energy with mine and together we will do the work.
This will be a highly erotic, sensual experience and you will be in a trance…Not everyone is ready for this.
If you would like to be considered for a ‘Elias Eunuch Healing Experience’
Please be advised this is a highly erotic experience!
You MUST be 18 or older to be considered!