Mary Magdalene on Anointing Ritual You can Do Yourself.
My First Introduction to Anointing:
As a little girl, in my church, I loved to watch my father, a minister, anoint and pray for someone in need. He would tilt the small bottle of olive oil that was always kept in the pulpit…
Dad would get a drop on his finger and then he’d touch the person’s forehead with the oil.
There was usually a momentary hush as my father closed his eyes and begin to receive a word of prophecy for the member.
The prophecy seem to always start like this… “Yea daughter of the Lord… or son of the Lord” – then he proceeded to give them a word of encouragement.
The anointing ritual was the only time I felt the same stillness and peace that I now associate with my Divine.
Usually the sermons were a bit on the fiery side… Something I did not understand. Looking back, I realize that dad was a very eloquent speaker who kept people riveted in their seats.
What does all this have to do with Mary Magdalene and the anointing oil?
Well, Mary is well known for anointing the feet of Jesus as well as preparations for his burial.
She was trained in the temples of the Goddess-Mother-Isis in many sacred arts.
I asked Mary Magdalene to share some practices that you could do for yourself or for others…So that, you may experience the richness of this sacred ritual with ease.
From Mary Magdalene on Anointing.
The intent you place upon the ritual of anointing is vitally important!
You see, when you begin to place oil upon yourself or someone else…the oil becomes a sacred elixir.
The elixir is ready to heal and transform according to your faith and trust.
As the ritual of anointing begins…it causes all the heavens to be on alert.
This is a most special time to get your needs met.
Here is an easy way for you to do your own anointing ritual.
Supplies Needed: Any pure oil, essential oil, or olive oil, your own Holy Spirit.(which is always present)
Hold a bottle of oil and consecrate it before you begin.
Prayer: I consecrate this oil for anointing and healing of whatever I command.
I asked this oil to be filled with never ending Holy Spirit light and power.
Now, breathe your own Holy Spirit breath into the bottle.
This activates and combines your own magnetic heart love power.
Then proceed to anoint yourself for any blessing that you choose.
Where should you anoint?
Usually on the third eye and then the palms.
However, please tune in to your own inner guidance, you may be surprised what body parts cry out for this anointing.
Suggested Prayers for Anointing:
I bless myself this day for a financial blessing.
I bless myself this day for a stream of healing energy to now fill my body.
I bless myself for an easy and sacred resolution to this problem (Insert any problem that you have)
Anointing is not limited to people.
Please anoint your pets, plants, rocks, crystals, even your wallets.
(Rebecca anoints her car and many things she places on her altar.)
Suggestions for anointing of others.
From the Holy Spirit within, I anoint you with the blessing of (fill-in the blank for whatever need)
I anoint you to awakening to your greater soul purpose or highest destiny.
I anoint you to awaken latent healing powers within.
I anoint the awakening of your inner financial genius.
Understanding and using this sacred ritual with pure intent provides the potential for miracles.
Have faith and then trust in the inspiration that comes during or after the ritual is complete.
Mary Magdalene continues:
Rebecca has spoken before of the importance of rituals to humans.

Photo credit: Jake Thacker Unsplash
Humans need to touch and be touched.
Anointing is one of the simplest, yet sacred and most effective touchpoint that all can use.
There is no need for elaborate preparations.
No need to feel that you are not qualified.
Set the intent for purity, harm to none, for the highest good of all, and you are perfect!
Thank you for allowing me to share.
Mary Magdalene
From Rebecca:
Thank you dear Mary.

Rosie n Rebecca back when daddy was preaching!
PS: At my live seminars I always anoint participants just before I transmit a prophetic message or blessing.
PSS: In my upcoming Priestess Training and Initiation, Mary Magdalene has given me instructions for a “full body” anointing, awakening and activation of ancient memories.
PSSS: Due to the extreme intimacy of this training, I may only have 4 participants. Two spots are filled already.
Aug. 14, 15, 2018
Port Isabel TX.
Are you one of the remaining two Priestesses?
Does your heart LEAP at the thought of re-learning Ancient rituals?
Do you love being in trance state and allowing Spirit to show you the mysteries?
Do you desire to be able to produce what you want, far more easily?
Are you ready to be transformed on a level you never thought possible in this lifetime?