FREE Virtual Event…”Live Your Purpose”

Are you feeling stuck,  or just plain scared because you are not living a life you love?

Does your life lack meaning and purpose, and you really don’t know why you got up this morning?

Awww, Honey, let’s fix that for you!

Maybe you know there is a better way, but for some reason you just haven’t found it yet.

Whatever the reason you are not loving your life and sharing your gifts, it’s okay. Things are about to change.


My friend Lucia Favarin knows there is a better plan for your life.

That is why Lucia has put together this spectacular lineup of great ‘Encouragers”

(Lucia is to me, a delightful young woman who has a heart of gold, skin like a porcelain  doll,  hair like a Titan Goddess …PLUS, she  and truly cares about others!)

*Hey, watch her short video as she invites you to join her virtual event. (Lucia would probably be a bit embarrassed to know I am yapping about how beautiful she is…inside and outside, so don’t tell her, OK?)

You have unique gifts and talents, and she wants you to live your purpose on this beautiful planet. If you don’t know what that is yet, we have the solution.

Life is not supposed to suck. The Universe loves you, and people are meant to help each other out.

Lucia’s list of incredible experts (including me!) all know what it’s like to feel out of sync, broken or depressed. They have walked through the fire, and come out the other side. Now, they’ll tell you how to do it too!

*Find your passion (When you are passionate, you NEVER feel like you work, it’s so much pleasure!)

*Follow your intuition (has it ever steered you wrong when you really listened?)

*Embrace your gifts (And STOP comparing yourself to others- you perfect darling you!)

*Love life (Otherwise…why come?)

*Fall in love with yourself (I REALLY love this one- hugs!)

You are here for a reason. Take this first step, and your hand will be held all the way. It’s time for a change. I invite you to jump in.


And yes, it’s FREE!


You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Imagine a life where you leap out of bed with gusto! It’s waiting for you right here.

It doesn’t cost any money to attend this virtual event.

Each speaker is giving some incredible guidance (and awesome gifts)

I will give a special announcement on the day I speak. It thrills me the way I feel so supported by you,

Love and hugs,


Please share the love and pass this along to others.

If you want to share on FB or twitter, use this small jpeg and the link.

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