Sanat Kumara Wanted Me to Assure You…

Sanat Kumara wanted me to assure you…

You already have within your being a series of psychic superhighways mapped out and just waiting to be developed.

This superconscious highway offers direct connection to many species. Once you begin the road clearing on your end with intent to connect… Your “species of choice” will earnestly begin clearing on their end.

This is the junction of where two worlds meet and a new world of interspecies communication begins.

Sanat Kumara Says…

So many teachers focus only on the pineal when trying to help others become more intuitive…yet, Sanat Kumara says that you cannot leave out the Corpus Callosum and it is “the bridge” between the two hemispheres of the brain.

Re-wire the brain

This represents “the bridge” between the seen and the unseen.

You also must incorporate the heart and your gut instinct.

If you are ready to “Increase the volume” in ALL your psychic reception areas (Including the one no one talks about)

If you’re ready to discover how you can build a superhighway to increase your communication with ANY High being of light…

Join me this weekend:

Channel the Galaxy

A Course in Inter-species Communication for the average human.

July 29,30 Live in Houston or By Video live-streaming.

(Register and take it at your own pace, all sessions recorded)

Call me if you’d like to chat about it. 956-457-45568

Love, Rebecca

I have the tools and the Power to use them!

PS: You will be certified to share this with others. With my wonderful step by step manual…so simple, you could just read it and get results.

We will be increasing the voltage in your entire being and in your pineal gland

Where your attention goes energy grows energy flows and you’re gonna’ kick ass in the Intuition department!

PSS: Sanat Kumara also says…

Your pineal it’s like into the “Ark of the Covenant” the antenna to all worlds.

It does No Good trying to contact our star friends with 3-D mentality.

A spaceship will not appear on your lawn. The only true way to contact benevolent species it through the heart pineal connection.

PSSS: If you are worried about the cost…the pay-plan is VERY low.

Go see for yourself:

PSSSS: Registration CLOSING Friday

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