Magic Servant= Eternal Slimness

The problem is NOT that we don’t KNOW what to do to lose weight…

No! The problem is that we can’t remember and we don’t feel inspired to stick to any plan that will get us slim.

Most of the time, our rebellious inner child is so freaked out about being DEPRIVED that they sabotage any effort to lose weight and keep it off.



This is a sure sign of a big fat Gatekeeper who won’t let us lose come hell or high water!


Nasty, critical, insulting, guilt monger, domineering, in short…the ass that won’t let you get a grip on your weight!

If you have tried and tried to lose unwanted pounds but can’t stick to it…you can be SURE you have some kind of gatekeeper that is preventing you from reaching your goal. Sometimes, your gatekeeper is your very own ‘inner child’ who fears being deprived.

(A Gatekeeper, can be a spirit, parent, memory, habit, or even a thought form- often a hidden past life pattern)

A gate keeper holds you prisoner to their own agenda (Which is NEVER what YOU want!)

 Spirit says it’s time to get TOUGH with these gatekeepers!

If they are tormenting my flock…that GOT to go!

As Priestess, I have the authority… and so do you!

(You just don’t know how to use it)

Ready to Banish your Gate keeper?

Ready to Banish your Gate keeper?

Once we BANISH your Gate Keeper- it’s time to do something radical!

Create a Magickal Servant…a servant dedicated ONLY to  YOU!

bell servant

You are in charge! You direct to not only help you remember to do all the tings you KNOW you should do to lose…no! WE create a servant who INSPIRES you!

No body wants a NAG to get after them...but what if we gave our magickal servant POWERS to inspire and guide us?

What if we felt DELIGHTED to do what it takes instead of DEPRIVED?

What if we gave our magickal servant POWER to help us choose the right plan for us?


Power to inspire us to eagerly

  • Take smaller bites
  • Be fully present with our food
  • Reduce our cravings for junk and unhealthy crap
  • Eagerly make healthy choices
  • Take enzymes with every meal
  • Take our probiotics
  • Feel satisfied with healthy stuff
  • Love ourselves
  • Take care of our lymphatic system

I know what you are thinking…

Who ever heard of such a thing???

 Actually, this notion of creating a servant dedicated to you has been around a long time. There are even books giving instructions on just how to it it!


Just think… You are creating your reality all the time. Mostly  by default. Why not creates a reality ON PURPOSE that will finally help you become slim and healthy and STAY that way?

In actuality, the servant is created from your own consciousnesses and essence…like a thought form. 

Why not create one that can do you some good?

Did you know that when you worry a lot,,,you are creating thought forms that do you BAD?

Worry is heavy!

Worry is heavy!

In my tele-class you will:

Banish your gatekeeper!

Nothing will work as long as you have a strong-armed gate keeper in place!

You almost always need professional help with this! We will identify your gate keeper and render them powerless.

Learn techniques/plans that banish unwanted fat.

You probably know a TON about what it takes to reach your goal…but you can’t stick to it due to your ENORMOUS gate keeper!

Create a Magickal Servant!

Maybe you do KNOW what to do but you can NEVER remember to do it and if you do…you don’t feel INSPIRED enough to follow through!

This dedicated servant will not only remind you, it will inspire you to make use of the techniques you learn!What good does the best technique do if you can’t remember to do it?

Nobody wants to be nagged but everybody wants to be inspire

PS: If all this seems just TOO Weird…call me so that I can explain it to you. 956-457-5568

PSS: Well NORMAL hasn’t worked now has it?



Pay what you can!

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  1. Kyla McMullen on May 16, 2022 at 10:35 am

    May I still take the class? Thx

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