Thank God Lexie is NOT pregnant!
Almost every day, I take my two “old Girls” for a walk in the big field behind my son’s house.
A few days ago we were on our walk when I saw a little bundle of “raggedy doggie” just sitting on the side of the road. No houses are near…somebody just dumped him off!
The little one saw me, wagged his/her tail and fell into step beside me on my RIGHT side. The dog never left my side and followed me all the way home. We had to pass a busy farm road to get home, yet the little canine never wavered.
I am staying with family members for the time being, so needed to get permission to let the pup at least spend the night and we could decide what to do in the morning. (it was late when we returned from the walk)
Because the dog was so matted, covered with fleas, I did not know if there was mange or something else going on.I did not want to risk infecting the other dogs, so placed the dog in a very large kennel with plenty of food and water. This pup ate like he/she had not had food in days! (I had still not inspected the genitalia to see what gender the dog was.)
*NOTE: I purposely did NOT use my psychic gifts to communicate with this doggie, I think I KNEW that I would fall in love and since I am “between homes” at the moment, did not know if Keeping the dog was an option)
One of my family members saw the pup and came storming into my room…“This dog is a female and worse…she is pregnant! You take her to the pound first thing in the morning!” (The stomach was bloated after eating because the dog had not had food in quite a while)
All night long, I thought of the little puppy and how he seemed to be “just waiting” for me to come by. Because of my studies in Animal Communication, I KNOW that our pets choose us…
By morning, I had decided NOT to listen to my family but to help the pup get adopted. I knew the shelter would put the dog down just by the matted hair and skinny body.
To give the pup the BEST chance of a good home, I decided to get her vaccinated and then groomed. It looked like some kind of poodle mix and maybe would clean up nicely.
When the vet asked the dogs name…I replied… “Lexie”.
Click to see video of how he looked right after vet visit.
I was embarrassed to be bringing in such a mangy looking dog so I explained… “I found this little dog on the side of the road, I think she is pregnant and I want her to have the best chance to be adopted.”
The vet shook his head and laughed…”No way this dog is pregnant…it’s a boy!…and besides, he is only four months old. (The kindness of Dr Garza makes him a very special vet!)
I got the now nameless puppy all his shots, de-wormer and Confortis for the fleas. The groomer made me wait until the next day just to be on the safe side.
Alas, there was not much the groomer could do but shave him down and bathe him good.
You can imagine what happened next…yep! Rebecca fell in love with an abandoned pooch!
I just could not forget the vision of him just sitting on the side of the road…waiting for me!
I waited a few days to give him a name and then decided on Stevie.
It has only been a few weeks that Spirit spoke to me in that very same space where I walk the “old girls”
“Rebecca, are you ready for your life to change in drastic ways?”
Since then… I have undergone many changes including a strange spiritual paralysis where I sit and exude bliss and love for hours each day.
(I will spill the beans MORE about several drastic change in the next few days.)
Now, I have a loving canine companion sleeping beside my bed at night.
Love, Rebecca
PS: All advice welcome about training a 4 month old pup.
Also, his skin is very irritated from the fleas he had and the intense scratching he did.
PSS: Soon I will tell you about the Divine Counterpart Partner that Divine Mother has sent to me. (More love than even I could imagine)
To learn More about Animal Communication (At a reduced price and a COUPON too!) click here:
There are a few more spots for the “3 for 1” private session offer.
Because, I am directed by Spirit to sit even longer and deeper in meditation each morning, the sessions are more powerful and effective than ever before!
Details on reduced fees for private sessions.