What Divine Mother says about the 08/13 Portal (plus, what it is for anyway?)

This is a written conversation I had with Divine Mother…

Dear Mother,

What shall I share with my people today about the 08/13 Portal?

They desire to know more about the purpose of this portal and Galactic peace Summit.

Read more about the 08/13 Portal http://wp.me/pq2xG-3cY

Divine Mother

Divine Mother

Mother responded: Rebecca, Gatekeeper to the realms.

You have held this position in many lifetimes, other dimensions and other realms. This is why you do not question.

Your cells are remembering singing the tones that cause energy to move. That create change in the etheric realms and that opens the gateway to greater peace. You are a peace keeper and a peace maker.

It is vital that your frequencies be united with conscious purpose at the appointed time on August 13.


Your fear is not for things of Spirit…your only insecurity is that you may fail to meet your financial obligations as you focus on this mission. Because you just ‘do it anyway’ shows a powerful energy of “blind faith”.

Many of the earth changes have been and will be, less catastrophic due to the huge awakening transpiring within humanity.

Go outside barefoot every day and send love from your human heart to the bowels of earth mother.

bare feet

Throw back your head and emit tones or singing to the elements, air, fire, water, stone and wood.


We have spoken many times about the power of a human heart, loving on purpose and with intent.

Loving on Purpose

Perhaps, you don’t feel that much love for earth or for your interspecies, galactic or non-physical entities.

Set the intent to grow in love.

Mother continues:

About the Summit. There is much to share and I will give a little today. The summit will last 3 earth years. You may be called upon to go and do more frequency work at the “Gate”.

Many vital issues are on the table.

Many cures for cancer, Aids, Autoimmune diseases have already been discovered.

These cures are simply being covered up by those who serve the dark.

Alternate, clean, inexpensive energy sources are also already in place.

Both side of Light and Dark will be represented.

You would do well to send “love on purpose”, even to the dark side. It is possible to “love the dark into the Light”. It is NOT possible to “hate the dark” into anything but more chaos.

Yet, keep in mind, Beloved, that you all carry both Light and Dark. There is no place for hatred here.

This Summit will be like the most extensive conference ever held. There will be breakout session on every topic with both frequencies presenting their views.

Species, Entities, Non-physicals who are experiencing a great deal of “Indecisiveness” will be pulled energetically into this Summit.

Goddess of justice

Many humans will be invited to be a part of this through nocturnal travels.

Much good will occur because this Summit has been called by Prime Creator.

Remember. Love on purpose. Send the love from your human heart to all those involved in this Summit. Hate, no one.

Message ended. (for today)

I thank those of you who have contributed any amount to assist with this mission. You will benefit as we all benefit.

The emails I have gotten offering me encouraging words give me strength to push on.

I leave Sunday for another leg of this journey.

If you have questions about any of this- email me.

I love you, I love Earth Mother, and I’m getting in touch with love for all species.


Your Portal Opening Priestess

 My current budget does not cover the expenses- so I ask…Do you desire to contribute towards this Evolutionary Peace Summit?


There are 3 ways to Contribute.

#1. Belief Support:

Believe that our earth can be uplifted as we host this Evolutionary Conference.

#2. Light Support.

This conference is Sanctioned and Convened by Prime Creator. The only frequency deemed suitable is Prime Creators Benevolent Light: Perfect Prayer:” Prime Creator, I honor Your Wisdom in this Peace summit. My Soul’s Intent is to Benefit for the Highest Good”

#3. Financial Support:

Drop to your heart and see if you are being called to assist financially. You maycontribute now and as many times as are guided.

Contribute any amount as your heart Guides.

I Believe and I desire to help.

The expenses are not covered by my business budget, yet I am more compelled to open this Portal than all the others combined. I have NEVER felt more dedicated to anything in this life-time.

Because the journey takes a circuitous route, it is at least 8 days of hotel, gas, food expenses. I must be in the general vicinity at least 3 days prior.

It will take 4 to 5  days of straight driving to get back home.

Each day (or couple days) I will share more about this portal. The magnitude of it is too huge to put forth in just one setting. Just feel into with your heart, Beloveds.

Thank you!

PS: Please leave me your questions in the comment section on this page.


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